Destiny 2 is filled with challenging content that tests the skills and teamwork of Guardians. One such challenge is completing dungeons solo, a feat that requires strategy, patience, and a deep understanding of the game mechanics. Whether you're seeking the thrill of conquering difficult content on your own or simply don't have a fireteam to rely on, soloing dungeons in Destiny 2 is an accomplishment worth pursuing. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best strategies and tips to help you successfully solo dungeons in Destiny 2.

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Understanding the Difficulty of Solo Dungeons

Before embarking on your solo dungeon journey, it's important to recognize the level of difficulty these activities present. While not as demanding as raids in terms of teamwork, dungeons still pose a significant challenge even for a full fireteam of three players. They are designed to be played with a group, which means the enemy density, difficulty, and mechanics are scaled accordingly. Attempting to tackle a dungeon solo only amplifies these challenges. It's crucial to set realistic expectations and be prepared for multiple attempts before achieving success.

Patience is Key

The first and most important piece of advice for soloing dungeons in Destiny 2 is to be patient. Soloing a dungeon goes against the intended design, so overcoming the obstacles will take time and perseverance. It's important to approach the experience with a mindset of learning and improvement, understanding that clearing encounters on your first try may not be feasible. Patience will be your greatest asset as you navigate through the intricacies of each encounter.

Familiarize Yourself with Dungeon Encounters

Before attempting a dungeon solo, it's essential to have a deep understanding of the encounters and mechanics. Watch videos or read guides to learn the strategies employed by others who have successfully soloed the dungeon. Take note of their positioning, ability usage, and timing. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for your own runs and help you anticipate and react to the challenges that lie ahead.

Crafting the Perfect Loadout

Building the right loadout is crucial when attempting to solo dungeons in Destiny 2. Each subclass offers unique abilities and playstyles that can greatly influence your success. Consider your preferred playstyle and tailor your loadout accordingly.

Solar Subclass

The Solar subclass is known for its healing capabilities, making it an excellent choice for players who want to minimize health loss and restart encounters. Healing grenades and supers like Well of Radiance for Warlocks provide constant healing, while Titans can utilize sunspots and the Lorely Splendor exotic helmet for survivability. Hunters, on the other hand, can rely on Blade Barrage and the Star Eater Scales exotic legs for dealing damage to bosses while providing some health regeneration.

Void Subclass

Void subclasses excel at shield generation and debuffing enemies. Warlocks can use Nova Bomb and Devour to clear adds and bosses efficiently. Titans can deploy Ward of Dawn for temporary protection and crowd control, especially with the Helm of Saint-14 exotic. Hunters, with their Shadowshot super and the Gyrfalcon's Hauberk exotic armor, can weaken bosses and maintain constant invisibility, making them harder to hit.

Arc Subclass

Arc subclasses offer a risk-reward playstyle, requiring players to engage enemies at close range. Warlocks can use the Delicate Tomb exotic to generate ionic traces and maintain high ability uptime. Titans can use the Helm of Inmost Light to have unlimited grenade and melee energy, while the Cuirass of the Falling Star enhances Thundercrash damage and provides an overshield. Hunters can rely on the Assassin's Cowl for invisibility and health regeneration, paired with the Gathering Storm super for survivability and damage.

Stasis Subclass

Stasis is a great subclass for freezing enemies and crowd control. Warlocks can utilize The Ager's Scepter Exotic weapon and Osmiomancy Gloves to generate Stasis turrets and freeze enemies. Titans have the Glacial Quake super for significant boss damage. Hunters can benefit from the Mask of Bakris, which provides Arc weapon boosts and brief moments of invincibility during a dodge, ideal for tricky situations. The Silence and Squall super excels at crowd control.

Refining Your Strategy

Once you have your loadout prepared, it's time to refine your strategy for each encounter within the dungeon. Here are some essential tips to enhance your chances of success:

  • Take advantage of cover: Use the environment to your advantage by taking cover and avoiding unnecessary damage.
  • Prioritize enemies: Identify high-priority targets and eliminate them first to reduce incoming damage.
  • Master your movement: Agile movement is crucial in solo encounters. Utilize jumps, slides, and dodges to avoid enemy attacks and reposition yourself strategically.
  • Manage your resources: Keep an eye on your ammo, grenades, and abilities. Use them wisely and conserve when necessary.
  • Stay adaptable: Be prepared to adjust your strategy on the fly. Pay attention to enemy behavior and adapt your approach accordingly.
  • Learn from your mistakes: Each failed attempt is an opportunity to learn and improve. Analyze your mistakes and adjust your approach for future attempts.

Embrace the Challenge

Soloing dungeons in Destiny 2 is not for the faint of heart. It requires dedication, skill, and a willingness to embrace the challenge. While it may take several attempts, the sense of accomplishment and personal growth that comes from conquering a dungeon solo is unparalleled. So, equip yourself with knowledge, patience, and a well-crafted loadout, and prepare to face the trials that lie ahead.


Soloing dungeons in Destiny 2 is a daunting but rewarding endeavor. By understanding the difficulty, familiarizing yourself with encounters, crafting the perfect loadout, and refining your strategy, you can increase your chances of successfully completing these challenging activities on your own. Remember to be patient, learn from your mistakes, and embrace the challenge - or try out GladiatorBoost’s awesome carries for D2. So, Guardian, gear up and embark on your solo dungeon adventure in Destiny 2!