It's a big day for the Indian gaming industry. For the first time in history, Raji - a game developed in India, has been nominated for the Best Debut Indie Game category at the Game Awards 2020.

Developed by a studio in Pune, Maharashtra, Raji tells the story of a young girl who is chosen by the Gods to fight various demonic forces. The game heavily bases on Hindu and Balinese mythology, while the setting closely resembles the state of Rajasthan.

Raji: An Ancient Epic Nominated at the Game Awards 2020

The developers released Raji in August 2020 for Nintendo, and in October 2020 for Windows. However, the development did not go that smoothly. The title was under production way back in 2018, but it struggled to make dramatic progress because of insufficient funds.

Raji appears in the list of nominees at the Game Awards 2020

The gameplay and graphics are simply breathtaking, with the game's very own original soundtrack. The visuals follow the Pahari painting style while drawing inspiration from the Ramayana as well as Mahabharata.

It will compete with 4 other titles

The global gaming community welcomes Raji's first release in the warmest manner. And now, the fact that the game has been nominated for the Best Debut Indie Game awards launches the level of excitement through the roof. One of the founders of Nodding Heads Games actually had to sell her apartment to keep the developers working on the project.

Show your love and support for the Indian game!

However, after such a challenging journey, seeing the game being nominated makes all the effort worth it. This news has brought immense pride, to not only those who worked on the project but also to the Indian gaming community.

Raji definitely deserves a spot on the list of nominees

The developers make sure that the history lessons of both Indian and Balinese cultures are present. They focus on architecture, which is a dying art in the country. All in all, Raji could be the first game that paves the way for more amazing titles to come out of India.