Anthem – BioWare’s next game – is one month away from its release. The game developers reveal more information about the game mechanism. Anthem mainly focused on multiplayer, and the availability of matchmaking for every activity may be good news for those who don’t have anyone to play with.

According to a Twitter post from Ben Irving – head producer of the game and a frequent host of BioWare’s gameplay streams – Anthem will have matchmaking available for its every activity. In addition, it is stated that matchmaking will be switched on by default, however, solo players who want to test themselves or take on content in their own group can choose to opt out. However, Irving strongly suggested that the team’s intention is for players to enjoy Anthem with a full group when possible.

It is assured by Irving that matchmaking will be available for all activities in the game by any means, still, we haven’t figured out all activities in Anthem just yet. Until now, only two modes have been seen in the game, which is the free play mode and the game’s take on dungeons known as Strongholds.

According to the recent live stream of the developer team, it is announced that Anthem’s raid mode will not be a part of the game’s initial launch. However, Irving is insistent that other aspirational content will be available as long as the players reach the endgame. As stated by John Warner – Anthem’s game director – the endgame pursuit, which will be released shortly after the game itself, will give the hardcore players who try to get their in-game items as high-level as they can some aspirational content to do with those fancy items.

Solo players, who are currently worried about not having a proper crew can now rest assured that a well-formed group will be available in a short period of queue-time away.