Onimusha is one of the most beloved samurai-themed games in the 2000s. But the game suffered the same fate as so many classics from Capcom, coming to the next-gen console. With the last release of Dawn of Dreams on PS2 back in 2006, the series went on a long hiatus and almost becomes forgotten.

That is, until E3 2018, with the announce of Onimusha Warlords Remastered for current-gen consoles. With this announcement, Capcom showed that they still haven't forgotten their old titles. In fact, it seems that Capcom wants to revive more and more of their classics to new players. Especially when developers are aiming to bring back much old franchises, like Shenmue, Mega Man, or Devil May Cry.

First released in 2001, Onimusha Warlords follow the story of a samurai named Samanosuke Akechi, a man inherited the demon's gauntlet to fight against demon and monsters. The game is balanced between the action elements and puzzle, require players to interact with the environments and obtaining items to progress. Onimusha becomes a hit at that time, becomes the first PS2 game to reach 1 million sales. Even now, many people still regard the game as one of the best on the PS2 system.

The remastered version of the game features HD graphics, wide-screen support, and better voice acting. Also, the game will have an easy mode and brand-new soundtracks. And if the remastered version becomes successful, we may finally get a brand new game in the franchise.

New 10-minutes gameplay trailer brings back memories:

If you've never played the game before, or just want some nostalgia with the game, then you can watch the first 10 minutes gameplay on the video below. There are some light spoilers about the game, though, but that's hardly a problem:

The remaster will be released on PC, PS4, Xbox One and Switch on January 15, 2019.