From the creator of PUBG, Brendan Greene, we have had the news of an upcoming night or moonlight mode coming alongside with a new patch for PUBG.

Moonlight Mode

He posted a mock image of the coming Vikendi's night mode on Twitter and also said that these changes will be tested on the PUBG test server right in this month.

Later, a community manager of PUBG has confirmed the release of the change on subreddit of the game and also stated that the new Vikendi night mode will actually be called "Moonlight Mode" with small changes compare to the classic night mode.


The community manager said that the Snow bike (not to be confused with the already available Snowmobile) is also coming alongside the Moonlight mode. Additionally, this mode won't be total darkness, but it will still be dark with many changes to the gameplay. He commented that it is a very amazing experience for him to try and test the upcoming and he thinks that the players will love it.

The developers said that the Moonlight Mode for Vikendi is going to feature a changed lighting system which will create a unique weather type far beyond the usual color changes.

Other changes

With this new patch, there will be also new weapon added with the name Bizon. It is an SMG that will be available only in Erangel and Vikendi. The gun will be able to hold up to 53 of 9mm bullets in a drum magazine. You could also attach sight and muzzle to the gun to add more functions to it. Another addition is the Canted Sight attachment, which is a new type of scope.

Bizon - SMG

More to the update is that the new Snowbike with snow sleds will replace the Motorcycle on Vikendi map. This new Snowbike is faster but could be destroyed easier than the Motorcycle.


The patch is expected to be released around this week.