Super Robot Wars T, the latest entry in the Super Robot Wars series, was first announced on November 19 alongside the mobile title Super Robot Wars DD. Now, Bandai Namco Entertainment has officially announced that it will be launching on March 20 of next year for PS4 and Nintendo Switch. An English version will also be released in Southeast Asian countries on the same day.
Check out the trailer off the game:
If you don’t know, Super Robot Wars is a popular Japanese turn-based RPG/Strategy series that lets you control several giant robots from various anime works to fight your enemies. The first game of the franchise was released on April 20, 1991 on Gameboy, and since then Super Robot Wars has witnessed over 90 titles across many platforms. The upcoming Super Robot Wars T promises to bring improved graphics as well as a better game system. It is also reported to be friendly to first-timers, so don’t fret if you have never played any Super Robot Wars game before. Surely you can easily get familiar to its story and worldview.
Furthermore, players who pre-order the PS4 version stand to receive some special bonuses, the details of which can be seen below:
Special Scenario ‘Chapter 0: Proposal No. T1023’
This is a prequel to Chapter 1 of Super Robot Wars T’s main story, which will give you a deeper look into the game’s world. Completing it will earn you 50,000 funds (the currency of the game), 500 Tactical Points, and Power Part VTX Employee Guidelines (which gives +20 Max SP; as well as +10 SP recovery each turn for the main pilot).
Present Scenario ‘Special Starter Pack’
This Present Scenario is a chance for you to get useful Power Parts as well as money early on in the game. Clearing this Scenario gives 100,000 funds, 1,000 Tactical Points, and Power Parts Quark Boost (+1 Movement; +200 weapon damage; +1 Range for all non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons) and Force Reactor (+10 Morale when sorted)
Special Mech ‘Gespenst’ playable early
By redeeming the bonus before beginning Chapter 2, you will have the chance to play a special scenario that features the original mech “Gespenst”. Upon clearing this scenario, you will also get the “Striker-T” upgrade part (which gives +100 weapon damage, +20 HIT and Critical) and the “Defender-T” (which grants +500 max HP, +50 max EN, +100 armor, and +15 mobility).
For further updates on Super Robot Wars T, visit the official website and Facebook fanpage!