The gaming community is really hyped with the new announcement for the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. With the confirmed release date of October 25th, and the E3 2019 being close, fans of this game series are searching left and right for information on this new title. The new trailer of this game has reached more than 26,5 million views in just three days, so you know how hyped the gaming community right now.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has been confirmed to have a really cool co-op mode, besides the single-player mode (with the iconic plot since the 2007 version) and the multiplayer mode. And more great news for the fans of this game series has just arrived. Jacob Minkoff – the campaign gameplay director of Infinity Ward (developer of this new title) has just confirmed that there will be a whole storyline for the co-op mode in the game.

Plot for co-op campaigns that set right after plot for single-player mode, how cool is that?

In details, the co-op campaign in the co-op mode will feature its own plot, and this plot takes place right after the events in the single-player plot end.

This confirmation makes the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare title even hotter. We all have known that this title is not a sequel, but a reboot of the 2007 Call of Duty title. With the plot for the single-player mode pretty much stays the same (but in HD of course), the new stories in the co-op campaign are certainly worth waiting for. We will see what Infinity Ward and Activision have to offer us in this E3.