If you don't know, Octopath Traveler is a Square Enix role-playing game released for Nintendo Switch last year. The game is designed with traditional Japanese role-playing gameplay and 2D-art 2D style. When playing, gamers will be given the option of playing a role in one of the 8 main characters, each with a unique origin and goal. Each character will have a way to interact with different NPCs, thereby creating journeys that are unique to each person. You can comfortably immerse in the world of games and know that there are eight stories waiting.

An important highlight of the game is the virtual "HD-2D" graphic style. The classic 16-bit 2D character image will be placed in a 3D fake world frame with lots of shimmering effects.

Currently, the game is available on Switch so if you want to try to experience part of those spectacular journeys  ... what are you afraid of? The game is now priced at 60 dollars on eShop and $60 dollar at the retail store.

The port to PC

Maybe this is just a marketing trick to attract attention to the game. However, it also very likely that the administration rating system of Korea has actually revealed the real beans. So if the listing is real then a PC port is coming right for Octopath Traveler.

A dialogue in Octopath Traveler

On July of last year, Square Enix has launched the classic tinted JRPG game of Octopath Traveler exclusively for the Nintendo Switch platform. So it is already almost a year from the exclusive release so I can say that this rumor of a PC port has somewhat of a ground. The majority of the exclusive title losses that exclusiveness after one year or so. And we also have the E3 coming up very soon, just like they did in 2018 showcase, this year showcase is the perfect opportunity for them to announce the PC port for Octopath Traveler.