Wasteland 3 is a post-apocalyptic RPG game from the developer inXile Entertainment. Set in the harsh cold land of Colorado, players will find themselves struggling just in order to survive, not to mention all the hard moral choices that players will have to make throughout the adventure. Wasteland 3 introduces an improved turn-based combat system, evolving from Wasteland 2, along with unique encounter design. You can check out the trailer of Wasteland 3 below.

Recently, developer inXile has just announced that Wasteland 3 Alpha test will be available to play for all people who backed the game with $75 or more. They also warn that since it's only an Alpha test version, there will be a lot of bugs, crashes, and performance issues.

Wasteland 3 E3 2019 Official Trailer 0 7 Screensho
The game is set in the frozen land of Colorado

One thing more thing about this Alpha version is that you won't get to play the game from the start. Depending on each personal preference, this will be either good news or bad news. If you like to experience the higher level combat then it would be wonderful. The game takes place when you are hunting for the Psychopath, a child of the Patriarch. You can't access your Perks and Skill menus though, but you can test them out to see how combats work.

Wasteland 3 is a post-apocalyptic RPG game

Wasteland 3 features turn-based combat

If you are non-backers, you will be able to try out the game later on Steam Early Access, but the Early Access release date still remains unknown for now.

Wasteland 3 is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in Spring 2020.