As you may already know, cars make up an integral part of the Grand Theft Auto experience. The whole series was built on the idea of hi-jacking cars! The same remains in GTA V and GTA Online. Over the years, with every update, GTA Online enriches its automobile collection with a few new models. But today, we will only take a look at one of them - the 2013's Zentorno.

The Zentorno in GTA Online
In 2013, the Zentorno was the pinnacle of the premium car lineup. It was the best choice if players were looking for a trusty vehicle with balanced stats and great handling. However, as the game progresses through the year, the Zentorno slowly loses its place to other newcomers.
"Make sure the other 99% know you're in a vehicle they can't afford with this loud, brash, in-your-face supercar from Pegassi. Insanely fast with a high-tech interior, this is as close as you can get to a fighter jet on wheels. The only thing that goes up quicker than the 0-60 on this bad boy is your insurance premium", Legendary Motorsport describes the Zentorno.

This vehicle is an adaptation of the Lamborghini Sesto Elemento in real life. The price tag on the Zentorno has gone down quite a bit, down to only GTA $725,000 at the moment. But it does not mean its performance also went down the drain!
Check out the stats of the Zentorno in GTA V:
- Speed - 85.31
- Acceleration - 88.75
- Braking - 33.33
- Handling - 80.30

But the question is, is it worth buying in 2021?
Is the Zentorno Worth Buying?
Depending on your purpose of buying, this vehicle may or may not fit the standards. If you want to do just normal racing in a straight route, this is probably not a suitable racing car in GTA Online for you. It can only go up to 122 mph, which is a pretty low top speed.

However, the car will excel in a tight track race with an emphasis on corners, where its nimble handling is fully utilized. You can also upgrade the Zentorno to boost its performance in any custom shop in Los Santos. It has one of the best customizations in the game.
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