The French superstar Vitality.Zyw0o was playing Faceit league where he teamed up with some random players there. Zyw0o played the match on Dust2, the map where the French scene was famously dominant. The young star got quite a hard time carrying his teammates to victory with an impressive stats of 46 kills.

Vitality.Zyw0o with some random players on Faceit

The match started off with Zyw0o playing on T-side, fighting for his teammates into the bombsites. However, the team got a rough start where they lost the pistol round when trying to take A long. Following that, the team found it impossible to find kills and get to the objectives and went down to a rough 0-7. Only until that did the team wake up with 1 round win following the clutch 1vs3 by one T-side player. From there on, Zyw0o found many kills in his attempt to bridge the scoreline gap, finding himself 13 frags and 5 round points.

Even with a rough start, the youngster from Vitality managed to score 13 kills to help his team

Zyw0o is doing a massive job for his teammates, even when it is a random Faceit match. Maybe this is why the young star is much loved in the French scenes. Here you can watch more of his hard work.

Later on, the two teams traded kills to wrap up the first half with  8-7 in favour of the CT-side. Once the side is switched, Zyw0o and Co. won the much-needed pistol round to bring the score to a tie and eventually a lead 9-8 with the anti-eco round. Then things went all chaotic as the two teams traded back and forth rounds, bringing the scoreline to 10-10 with Zyw0o topping with 23 frags. Things started to look really shaky when the T-side managed to win 5 rounds in a row to bring the match to a 15-10. Unfazed, Zyw0o did a great job in term of both impact and killing, scoring a massive 39 kills, bringing the game to overtime.

5 rounds in a row to bring the game back

In overtime, the young Zyw0o did a great job, scoring for himself 7 more kills to win the game 19-16. What a show of talent and skill even without his usual teammates around.