Physical damage is the default damage type for normal attacks of all characters, with the exception of Catalyst users. While any character can be a physical DPS, players need to trigger Superconduct (-40% DEF) for the build to be effective. Otherwise, Phys builds deal next to no damage against large enemies who has 50%-70% physical RES.

Eula is the best phys DMG dealer.

In this article, Gurugamer are going to showcase the top 5 best physical DPS characters in Genshin Impact.

1. Eula

Eula has some of the craziest damage in the game... on paper. Her Lightfall Sword can get up to 30 charges, which equalizes to a +6000% damage modifier. However, in practice, her Burst is really hard to use because of its high energy cost. Furthermore, as her Physical damage are Burst, she is only effective against large enemies with a high HP pool. Against waves of weak enemies, Eula wastes a lot of her damage.


Besides all the problems above, she also needs field time to maximize her damage and gain stacks. Overall, these drawbacks balance Eula out, preventing her from becoming game-breaking.

2. Zhongli

Despite being a Geo character who can't trigger superconduct by himself, Zhongli is actually a fairly decent physical attacker via his sheer stat alone. Zhongli's Ascension passive enables his normal attack to get bonus damage, scaled by HP, which makes him really easy to build.


Physical Zhongli usually uses the craftable Crescent Pike polearm, with the ability to deal extra physical damage per hit. Players need to build a team for Physical Zhongli - either a superconduct lineup with Fischl and Diona or a Dual Geo + Dual Pyro lineup for resonance bonus.

3. Razor

Razor is the first Physical focused DPS character in Genshin Impact. He is a rather hard-to-use character, as his Burst ends on switching out. This means players need to use characters with Turret-like abilities to make the most of Razor's kit.


The key to Razor DPS is his attack speed, as he uses Claymore with big modifiers on normal attacks, but attacks just as fast as a sword user. This gives Razor an edge over all other physical damage dealers. He can also shred DEF at higher constellations.

4. Keqing

Keqing is an Electro character that can convert her Normal and Charged Attack damage into Electro. But she’s also capable of keeping her attack as physical damage, and spamming charged attacks none stop. It is pretty easy to build Keqing around a Physical/Freeze Superconduct team, with one Cryo and one Hydro character.


Players should be able to deal good damage using Keqing, as she's one of the fastest attacking characters in the game, with good five-star stats.

5. Fischl

Similar to all Electro characters, Fischl can also be built for physical DPS. She has one of the highest single-target potentials, with very good modifiers for her normal attack. Players can just put up one Cryo support to set her up for damage, leaving two more slots for flexibility.


There's a technique that involves animation canceling Fischl‘s attacks to rapidly repeat only first and second attacks from her combo. These are the attacks with the faster animations and deal the most damage. This effectively turns Fischl into a machine gun.

>>> Read more: Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun Build Guide 2022 For Main/Sub DPS