One of the key skills that differentiate noobs and pros is aiming skill. Each weapon has a different recoil level. Here are some tips to reduce weapon recoil and aim well in PUBG Mobile that you should know to play like a pro.

Practice Aiming

In PUBG Mobile, you cannot use the mouse to control gun recoil and aim. Based on the distance and fire mode, you adjust to control weapon recoil. The ideal distance for aiming and shooting is under 50m. You should choose a single fire mode to tap 3 to 4 shots at this distance. If you fire in short-range (under 10m), choose Burst mode to spray the bullets at the enemies.

Practice In Training Room
Practice In Training Room

Attach A Red Dot Or 2x Scope To Your Guns

Large scopes like 4x or 6x are suitable for sniper rifle guns or DMR in single fire mode. You shouldn’t turn on Burst or Autofire modes with these scopes because the bullets won’t go correctly. So, you should attach a Red Dot or 2x scope for the ARs or SMGs to control gun recoil well. 

Attach A Red Dot
Attach A Red Dot

Use Enough Attachments For Guns

Besides Red Dot and 2x, you should also loot and attach other attachments to your guns. It also helps you reduce gun recoil. Beginners should find enough attachments, like grips, compensators, cheek pads, and stocks. Moreover, you need an extended mag or extended quickraw mag for your gun to increase the number of bullets in each load. 

Loot Enough Attachments

Choose The Suitable Guns That Match Your Style

Some players often loot any gun they see after landing and engage in combat soon. But it can be a deadly mistake. If you cannot control the gun recoil well when using a strange weapon, you will be killed. So, you need to choose the suitable guns that match your style and level.

Choose Your Favorite Gun

Choose Auto Fire Mode

Auto Fire mode is the most flexible fire mode for PUBG Mobile players. It lets them shoot single bullets by tapping or spray bullets by holding the fire button. Open scope for long-range bullets and hold the scope to aim correctly. But in short-range combat, you need to use hip-fire and hold the aim point to the enemies’ bodies or heads.

Choose Auto Fire Mode