Call of Duty Mobile has officially kicked off the anniversary celebration of the first year on the market. As the game devs revealed on various occasions, the celebration won't simply be one day or one week. Instead, they will celebrate the entire anniversary month - October. Hence, we can expect the COD Mobile Season 11 to be full to the brims with new features and content.

However, it seems like Activision is trying to keep the new season a mystery. The devs don not say much about the details of the upcoming Season 11 update. Whether it's for the Anniversary patch or Halloween patch, no one really knows for sure. Yet, there are still some leaks, maybe intentionally to keep the fans excited. Let's check out some of the new features, including a new BR map, characters, and night mode.

1. Halloween Standoff Night Mode Map

On the official COD Mobile Twitter account, the devs dropped a screenshot of a map that they say will come to the game in Season 11. If you're a veteran in COD Mobile, you probably know what the shot is all about. But for new gamers out there, that's the Night Mode applied on the Standoff map. The map follows a spooky Halloween theme.

standoff halloween
Get ready for some spooky vibe in CoD Mobile

It will be featured in the upcoming content update of Call of Duty Mobile. They did the same thing last year with Standoff.

2. New Battle Royale Map - Alcatraz

Activision has released a teaser of the Anniversary recently, in which they feature Alcatraz - a brand new Battle Royale map. The rumor about the map's coming to the game has been around for months, and finally, it's here. The Alcatraz map takes after the original island of the same name in San Francisco, USA.

Alcatraz was an isolated military island, now reverted into a National History Landmark. It would be fun to play Battle Royale on the once most heavily-guarded island in the world.

3. New Characters

In the same COD Mobile Season 11 Teaser video, the devs also hint 4 new characters coming to the game. However, we do not have any further information on them.

4 new characters are coming to the game

4. Night Mode

The Vietnamese version of Call of Duty Mobile has confirmed the night mode will be added to the current Battle Royale map in the next Anniversary update. The new BR map, Alcatraz, may also receive the same addition.