Call of Duty Mobile is a free-to-play shooter game developed by TiMi Studios and released on October 1, 2019, by Activision. The game has one of the biggest launches in the history of mobile games and is currently having more than 250 million downloads on Google Play Store.

Call of Duty Mobile makes use of the giant asset of the Call of Duty Mobile with tons of different weapons in different categories. However, not all weapons in Call of Duty Mobile are the same. Some are more useful than others and that sometimes can make a difference between winning and losing.

Here is our list of the COD Mobile best guns for you to rank up in the new Season 10 of COD Mobile.

COD Mobile best guns for each category

We will rank COD Mobile best guns across 5 different categories: Assualt Rifle, Sniper Rifle, SMGs, Shotgun, LMGs.

Assault Rifle

  • DR-H: The DR-H is the best assault rifle of all. It can deal up to 32 damage with a medium fire rate. The recoil of the weapon is low and it is the most effective in medium to close range.
The DR-H is one the COD Mobile best guns overall
  • KN-44: The KN-44 is somewhat comparable to the DR-H in terms of power. It can deal up to 26 damage per shot with an extremely fast fire rate. It has decent recoil control and is used mostly in medium to close range combats.
The KN-44 deal less damage but it has a really fast fire rate
  • Man-O-War: The Man-O-War can deal heavy damage but it is only in the third position because it is hard to control its recoil. The weapon can deal up to 34 damage with a decent fire rate. However, if you aren't very confident about your skill, I would recommend you to stay away from it.
The Man-O-War has a lot of power but it is not a weapon for rookie players

Sniper Rifle

  • DL Q33: The DL Q33 will always be among the best sniper rifles in Call of Duty Mobile. It has high enough damage to one-shot another player in the chest. It also has great accuracy and great mobility, which is very important to a sniper player.
The DL Q33 has always one of the best snipers in COD Mobile
  • Kilo Bolt-Action: This is one of the latest guns that were added to Call of Duty Mobile. It has far batter ADS speed, firing speed, and reload speed when compared to other sniper rifles. This is why it is also a great weapon in close combat as well.
The Kilo Bolt-Action is a very unique sniper with fast ADS speed, fire rate, and reload speed


  • QQ9: The QQ9 deserves to be the best SMG due to its extreme fire rate and fast ADS speed. It also has a decent damage of 25. The recoil of the weapon is minimum and it is an excellent choice in close range combats.
The QQ9 deserves to be the best SMG due to its extreme fire rate and fast ADS speed
  • Chicom: The Chicom is a classic SMG in Call of Duty Mobile with burst fire mode. It can deal up to 35 damage per shot in close range. The recoil of the burst is also no much, but you need to have a precise aim instead of just 'spray and pray'.
The Chicom is a classic SMG in Call of Duty Mobile
  • Razorback: The Razorback is just an all-round SMG in all aspects. It can deal up to 30 damage per shot with a decent fire rate and recoil control. It is mostly used in medium to close-range combats.
The Razorback is just an all-rounder SMG in all aspects


  • KRM-262: The KRM-262 can one-shot any enemy due to its power. But the reason why it is the best shotgun is because of its great range. It also offers great mobility as well, allowing you to catch enemies easily.
The KRM-262 is the king of shotguns in Call of Duty Mobile
  • BY-15: The BY-15 has the same power as the KRM-262 but it lacks range, which is why it is the second-best shotgun.
The BY-15 in Call of Duty Mobile has power but it lacks range


  • M4LMG: The M4LMG can deal up to 31 damage per shot in close to medium range with a high fire rate. It is the best option among LMGs in Call of Duty Mobile. Still, it suffers from a lack of mobility just like all other LMGs.
The M4LMG is the best LMG in Call of Duty Mobile
  • UL736:  The UL736 is the second-best LMGs in Season 10. It can deal up to 25 damage per shot. It is mostly used in close to medium range combats. Just like the M4LMG, you are going to move pretty slow with it so a defensive playstyle is advised.
The UL736 is the second-best LMGs in Season 10

What do you think about our list of best guns for COD Mobile multiplayer? Check out our website Gurugamer for more.

Also check out: Everything About Call Of Duty Mobile's Latest Zombie Mode, Attack Of The Undead