The city builder game QubeTown has been available to play on mobile devices in some specific areas since the end of 2018. But now, it has just expanded and become available globally for everyone.

The town management sim from Webzen is available right now for both Android and iOS devices across a large number of territories. However, the game is not playable for the following countries and regions: Japan, China, Korea, the Netherlands, and Denmark. Watch the game preview below:

Game features

QubeTown requires players to build their city and run a utopia. In the game, players will be constructing buildings, farming on their own crops and trading with their neighbors.

Do simple task like collecting from crops to start growing your city.

You can also expand your land using gold obtained from trading or completing quests. Moreover, there is room for you to let your imagination fly as you decorate your village with a variety of sculptures and personalized placements. Progress further and further in the game to reveal QubeTown’s storyline through various expeditions.

They are just the basics, there are more to be discovered in the game since it’s more than just a SimCity clone.

A fantasy twist is there regarding the game’s town management mechanics. Players will have to defend their base from troll raids from time to time or bring their citizens on dungeon runs. Animals are there within the cities as they are part of the population. These cute little animals will help a lot with your explorations. And you know that they are not just standard livestock. Why? Because dragons are there too!

Make a zoo out of your own city!

QubeTown cubic visuals really remind players of the multi-award winnings Minecraft. In-game users can customize their profile pictures and invite their friends over to share the fun through Facebook. Check out the official fan page here.

QubeTown is now free to download from both the Google Play and App Store.