Garena has recently released a teaser for the upcoming OB37 update on the Free Fire Global YouTube channel. A long list of features has been revealed, and in this article, is going to showcase all of the most notable.
New Zombie Hunt PVE Mode
A new PVE mode called Zombie hunt is going to be added to Free Fire with the OB37 update. Players can team up with their friends to take on monsters and bosses. By defeating waves of enemies, one would be able to level up their skins and upgrade their weapons.

Additionally, everyone on the team will continue to respawn if there is at least one player left on the map. Players can also buy supplies and weapons from the Vending machine on the map. This is going to be a great arcade mode coop experience.
New Pet: Arvon
Avron is a new pet that has the appearance of a mini-dinosaur. Its skill is an active ability called Dinoculars, which allows players to detect the number of enemies within a 50-meter radius on the map. Take note that the ability does not center around the player's position.

The effect lasts for 3 seconds and the results of the scan are also shown to teammates. However, this ability is pretty limited, as players can only use it once per match at the lowest level.
- Level 1: Last 3 seconds, 1 use per match
- Level 2: Last 4 seconds, 1 use per match
- Level 3: Last 6 seconds, 2 uses per match
How useful is Avron?
Overall, Avron is fairly useful in team matches. His skill allows players to check if a particular location is camped by the enemy team or not. The number of enemies in the area allows the team to make correct tactical decisions.
This pet is going to be one of the most popular in ranked matches. There is a reason that Garena limits this ability to just twice per match. Teams would just run multiple players with Avron to scan whenever they go.
Minimap rework
The Minimap has been redesigned and made more accessible. Players can now use the Minimap on the fly, facilitating more straightforward navigation throughout the game.

Game Environment
Garena is improving the gaming environment in the OB37 update. Players will now be compensated for negative experiences due to toxic teammates. Players can report toxic teammates with the game's report function.
New Weapons: Trogon (Shotgun)
A new shotgun named Trogon is added to the OB37 Advance Server. It can be equipped with a Grenade Launcher, which allows players to fire grenades.

The shotgun mode works like any other shotgun in the game, however, the Grenade mode allows players to launch small bombs that damage everything in the radius. This is easy to cause friendly fire if you are not careful - the bombs are launched from the muzzle of the gun.
New item – Launch Pads
In OB37, players will be able to quickly travel over great distances with the new Launch Pads item. It has a usage limit of four times and will change gameplay strategies to a great extent.

New Item – Trampoline
The Trampoline will be another addition to the game update in November 2022. This new function will be available exclusively in Clash Squad (CS) mode. Overall, the Trampoline generates a trampoline on the ground, as the name indicates. It may be used to leap higher and stay in the air longer. When hurled on the ground, the object morphs into a trampoline, like a regular grenade.
Crosshair interaction
Garena has improved the crosshair interaction going forward with the Free Fire OB37 update. This provides more feedback and information to gamers, like reloading or hitting enemies.
Weapon adjustment
There will be a huge number of changes to weapons in this patch. The fan-favorite M1014 has been made upgradeable, similar to several firearms like FAMAS, SCAR, and M4A1.
Woodpecker, AN94, Thompson, MAC0, and FF Knife will receive buffs. Simultaneously, AC80, M500, VSS, KAR98, and Desert Eagle will get nerfed.
New Clash Squad Ranked Season 16
The new Clash Squad Ranked Season 16 will start on November 16, 2022. As an incentive to reach the Gold 3, gamers will receive the exclusive Golden AK47.

Weapon Mastery
Free Fire OB37 is going to upgrade the Weapon Mastery system to allow players to track their progress with a particular gun. It will basically feature weapon achievements like headshots, eliminations, and damage, while also providing additional rewards.
Loadout in Free Fire Clash Squad
The loadout option will also be available in the Clash Squad mode. The available options are:
- Armor Crate
- Supply Crate
- Leg Pockets
- Scan
- Bonfire
- Airdrop Aid
- Secret Clue
- Bounty Token
New Lone Wolf map
The Lone Wolf mode will receive a new ice-themed map in the Free Fire OB37 update. It will provide a better variety to individuals, which they have been lacking since the game mode was made available.
>>> Read more: 10 Best Guns To Use In Free Fire BR Mode OB36