Garena has recently launched the OB26 update in Free Fire and along with it is a new season of Clash Squad. Clash Squad is one of the two most popular modes in Free Fire. The mode even has its own Ranked mode.
One of the most important factors to climb rank in the Clash Squad mode is having the right character. In this article, we will make a list of the most powerful characters in Free Fire to use in the Clash Squad mode
Top 5 Best Character In Clash Squad Mode
Chrono is no doubt the best character in any mode with his ability. His shield can block up to 600 damage from all directions, plus he can still shot people from the inside of the shield. There is just almost no counter to this skill and the other player has no other option than to hide and wait until the shield is gone.
Even though there are a lot of strong characters in Free Fire now, Alok is still among one of the best characters. His skill "Drop the beat" give player HP regena and movement speed for 10 seconds, a pefect skill for rushers to hunt down their target.
In the OB26 update, K got a secrect update and the cooldown of his skill has beenr reduced to 3 seconds. Now, he can move between 2 modes much more frequently and maintain his high level of EP. With an insane amountof regen, K is the character that allows you to get a good kill streak and fight continuously.
For people who have played Shirou in the Advanced server, they know how powerful this character is. After he get shot, he will mark the shooter for 8 second and giv ehis next attack 100% armor penertration. So even if your opponent has a Level 4 armor, it won't be matter. You can use a shotgun and deal full damage, possibly one shot them.
Shirou's ability is also a passive skill and has a low coold down of 10 seconds, meaning that he can combo with other OP characters such as Chrono, Alok,...
Alvaro sudednly gets used more by players as the counter to Chrono. Alvaro's ability increase his explosive damage and AOE, including grenade, grenade launcher. With the M79 Launcher being used a lot and the release of the pet Beaston, Alvaro is a character that worth considering.
Also check out: Free Fire: Top 4 Weapons To Use In Clash Squad Mode On Kalahari
ZaydenGaming 2021-02-08 11:55:16
Alok was too demanding and overpowered so K and Chrono came to keep the character system balanced