Besides bullet damage, fire rate is something one should also notice when using a gun in Free Fire. This element, when combined with the damage per shot of a weapon, would result in the theoretical damage output of the gun. There are plenty of weapons in-game that made up for their lack of damage with speed, and in this article, we would list out the best five.

5 - CG15

Rate of Fire: 69

A futuristic SMG that can do pretty well even in medium range, due to its high accuracy and the ability to charge and fire a high damage shot. It can pretty much be considered as an AR, with a whopping 50 damage per bullet. The weakness of the CG15 is its small magazine of 20 - you might need to get an extended magazine to unlock the gun's hidden potential.

4 - UMP

Rate of Fire: 75

The UMP is probably the best and most damaging SMG in the game - it is the only weapon in this class with the ability to penetrate armor. With 63 points in armor penetration, the UMP can pretty much ignore 2/3 of enemies' vest and helmet's damage reduction. If you manage to find a UMP, stick with it and find some more attachments if possible -  a foregrip is recommended, as it would greatly aid in reducing its random bullet spread.

3 – MP5

Rate of Fire: 75

The MP5 is the middle of the pack in stats – it is very versatile and can be pretty effective in the early game, mostly due to the higher spawn rate. It can also be fitted with pretty much every type of attachment in the game as well – if you managed to get your hand on a foregrip and muzzle, the MP5 can be much more effective in long range fights.

2 - Thompson

Rate of Fire: 76

If you have played Clash Squad, you should be pretty familiar with the Thompson. Overall, this gun is at about the same position as the P90 was - the midway choice between the MP5 and MP40. However, with the ability to equip a foregrip and muzzle, the Thompson has a much higher range and better stability.

1 - Mp40

Rate of Fire: 83

The fastest weapon in the game, the Mp40, is pretty much unparalleled in close-quarter fights. In exchange for the fastest fire rate in the game, this gun has to exchange its effective range - you pretty much can only use the gun in very close quarters, like inside building and such, as its range is a pitiful 22, one of the shortest in-game.

Interested in more of our articles related to Garena Free Fire? Please check out this article to find out more about the Top 5 Best Weapons For Snipers In Free Fire.