Have you gotten the chance to try out the latest Free Fire content on Advance Server for July 2020? If not, you will soon experience all that the new update has to offer tomorrow.

You won't need to wait long, as all the content in Advance Server of July 2020 will soon be included in the 3VOLUTION Update which will be here on July 29, 2020 tomorrow. There will be characters, weapons, and even a new pet which will keep Free Fire the game more exciting.

Can't wait to find out what the update will have in store for you? Here is all that you need to know on the newest content of the Free Fire 3VOLUTION update:

New Character - Luqueta

After the arrival of the Free Fire character Clu, the private detective, this time we get a new character who is a footballer and an athlete, Luqueta. Luqueta will be available in the Shop after the 3VOLUTION update.

Free Fire 3VOLUTION Update Patch Notes

Luqueta's skill, Hat Trick, can increase the maximum HP after each kill. Each kill increases the maximum HP of a player by (8/10/12/14/16/18) to a maximum of 35.

New Pet - Mr. Waggor

“Are you sick and tired of not having any gloo walls? Mr. Waggor will make sure you always have a gloo wall in your pocket!”

  • Smooth Gloo (Special ability): When a player has less than [1/1/2] Gloo Wall grenades, Mr. Waggor can produce 1 Gloo Wall grenade every [120/100/100] seconds.

Hayato “Firebrand” - Coming Soon!

“Our second awakened character - Hayato “Firebrand” is finally here! Join the 3rd Anniversary event on 08/22 to get him for FREE!”

  • Art of Blades (Special Ability): Reduce frontal damage by {20/25/30/35/40}% for 3s. Cooldown: 50s. Firing any weapon will interrupt this ability.

New Weapon - AUG

Available in Classic and Clash Squad (Rank & Classic)

Free Fire 3VOLUTION Update Patch Notes

The latest weapon that will be introduced to Free Fire as part of the 3VOLUTION update is the AUG, a famous assault rifle. This weapon is very flexible and can be used at close, medium, or long range.

“It has been a while since we released an AR into Free Fire. The AUG is an extremely agile and flexible option players can go for in game. The pre-attached 2x scope allows players to immediately engage in mid-range combats and the 35 rounds magazine is extremely useful in close range situations. Try out the AUG with a long range weapon to maximize its efficiency.”

  • Damage Ratio: 31
  • Magazine Capacity: 35
  • Rate of fire: .147
  • Comes with pre-attached 2x scope that is interchangeable with other scopes.

Weapon Buffs and Nerfs

AK (Buff+)

AK damage has been slightly increased.

Free Fire 3VOLUTION Update Patch Notes

“Although the AK is one of the all-time-favorite weapons, it is certainly underperforming compared to the top ARs in the game. We are restoring the power of the AK a bit by minorly increasing its stopping power.”

  • Damage Ratio: 37->38
  • Minimum damage: 12->14
  • Rate of fire: -3%
  • Precise shots: 1->2

FAMAS (Buff+)

Movement speed when shooting with the FAMAS has been increased.

“Currently, the FAMAS is not agile enough for it to be in the top AR list. We’re giving it some additional movement speed so players can have an easier time moving around between the 3-round-bursts.”

  • Movement speed while shooting: +10%

M249 (Buff+)

M249 damage has also been increased.

“The M249 is no doubt one of the weakest air-drop weapons currently. We’re giving it a major buff this patch so it can provide suppressing fire effectively.”

  • Precise shots: 4->12
  • Minimum damage: 15->21
  • Maximum recoil: -18%

SPAS12 (Buff+)

“Although the SPAS is a top contender in damage output in point black range, the sharp damage drop-off is the reason why the SPAS performs significantly worse than the M1887 and M1014. We’re giving the SPAS a minor buff this patch to close its gap with other SGs.”

  • Minimum damage: 6->7

XM8 (Nerf-)

“The XM8 has been on the top of the AR list for a while now. One of the reasons is because this weapon is so flexible and easy to use. We’re making some adjustments to the XM8 this patch so it will have a deeper learning curve.”

  • Precise shots: 4->3

New Item - Revive Kit/Horizaline

Available in Classic

Free Fire 3VOLUTION Update Patch Notes

Unfortunately, Clash Squad does often feature an aggressive playing style so the revive kit being available only for Classic won't give players the chance to revive downed team members.

Regardless, with the Revive Kit, players can now resurrect themselves after they are downed. However, the price of this item is quite expensive so it must be used effectively.

“Players usually do not get revived by their teammates in Clash Squad because of the constant battle that happens around the map. With the introduction of the Horizaline, players get to have another chance to join the battle once they’ve been downed. The Horizaline can be quite costly but it can certainly turn a round in your favor.”

  • The Horizaline will not stop bleeding or damage from players or the play zone.
  • Players can restore combat ability by using the revive kit while downed.
  • Players will be revived with 100 HP after using the Horizaline.

New Spawn Island - “The Runway”

“It’s been a while since we released a brand new spawn island. Take a look and let us know how you feel!”

Free Fire 3VOLUTION Update Patch Notes

  • New spawn island: “The Runway” now available.

Vehicle Buffs and Nerfs

The maximum speed of vehicles has been increased across the board

“You guys asked and we delivered.”

  • Motorbike: 120km/h->130km/h
  • Jeep: 100km/h-> 110km/h
  • TuTu: 90km/h-> 100km/h
  • SUV: 130km/h->120km/h

Other Changes to the New Free Fire Update

  • New match summary page for Clash Squad and Gun King.
  • Players can now send a system-generated link to invite friends to join their party.
  • Optimized in-game weapon HUD.
  • The Thermal Scope can now see through smoke grenades.
  • Party invitation display optimization.
  • Updated new contents into the FF Journal.
  • Close combat mode introduction video display optimization.
  • Optimized the overtime display for TDM mode.
  • Parachuting animation optimization.
  • Kalahari has now been added to the custom rooms.
  • Fixed a bug where players can leave the preparation area in some modes before freezing time is over.

There's quite a bit more to the 3VOLUTION update patch notes which you can read in full here. For more gaming news, updates, and articles, check out our website at GuruGamer.com.