The character system is one of Garena Free Fire's many unique aspects, but it is perhaps the most important. These characters do not just add another layer of diversity, but also sets the game apart from other Battle Royale titles on the mobile platform. They influence the overall gameplay, meta, and playstyles in very prominent means.

Each character in the game, except Primis and Nulla, has a unique ability that can turn the tide of everything. Garena has done a great job of keeping new addition to Free Fire's roster coming throughout the course of time. The latest character, Chrono, represents the Portuguese football superstar Cristiano Ronaldo. And according to speculations, we have even more new events coming our way!
Let's take a look back at all of the characters released in Free Fire in 2020.
#1 Alvaro
The "wild but skilled demolitionist" Alvaro with his passive ability - Art of Demolition

#2 Chrono
The latest addition to Free Fire's character roster: Cyber Bounty Hunter from another universe, Chrono.

#3 Clu
Private detective Clu with her Tracing Steps ability.

#4 Dasha
The prankster and rebel Dasha brings the "Partying On" spirit!

#5 Jota
The parkour expert and stuntman Jota uses his "Sustained Raids" to sweep the battlefields.

#6 Jai
Jai is a decorated SWAT commander with his passive ability: Raging Reload.

#7 K
The powerful professor and jiu-jitsu expert, K, brings his knowledge to the game with "Master of All".

#8 Kapella
The rising pop star Kapella heals all wounds with her ability "Healing Song".

#9 Luqueta
Next, the up and rising football star Luqueta with his Hat Trick Passive.

#10 Steffie
The pro-Graffiti artist Steffie brings some arts to the game with her Painted Refuge ability.

#11 Wolfrahh
Last but not least, we have the game streamer and eSports player - Wolfrahh with his Limelight passive.
