Genshin Impact 3.6 Livestream Program was live on March 31st, 2023. As usual, the game publisher gives away 300 Primogem via three redemption codes and announces upcoming updates in the next version.
Table of Contents
I. Genshin 3.6 Livestream Codes
The Livestream program of Genshin Impact 3.6 ended. The new update will start on April 11th. If you haven't noted down three gift codes of this update, copy these codes to use. Primogem and rewards will be sent to your in-game mailbox.
- 7S9X6V4JB2M9
Go to the Redemption center of Genshin Impact to redeem all these codes. Apart from 300 Primogems, you also receive 50,000 Mora, 5 Hero's Wits, and 10 Mystic Enhancement Ores. Redeem it within 24 hours since the Livestream.

II. Upcoming Banners (2 phases)
The banner of Baizhu is confirmed. This 5-star Dendro character will debut in Phase 2. Besides, there are three rerun characters in the upcoming update.
- Nahida's banner will be rerun in Phase 1. The Dendro archon was rerun early because her debut banner was a big success.
- Nilou rerun banner will be available in Phase 1. This beautiful Hydro character is also highly anticipated. Her kit is more suitable for the Dendro-based meta now.
- Ganyu's rerun banner will be released in Phase 2 with Baizhu's banner. The Cryo DPS can team up with Ayaka and Shenhe to build a strong Cryo team. Many players who have got these two 5-star units in the current update may wish to have Ganyu.
- Baizhu is the new character banner in Phase 2 of update 3.6. His banner also features the new 4-star character Kaveh.
Which banner do you prefer? Start saving Primogem now. These banners will be available soon. The new event 'Spice from the West' is a good source of currency for Genshin players now.

III. New Features In Version 3.6
There are many new additions to the upcoming version 3.6. The game publisher introduced upcoming bosses, events, and quests in the Livestream Program.
3.1. New Area
Travelers will explore deeper into the desert of Sumeru with a new area. They will find an oasis in the farther wasteland of the desert. It was the battlefield of the Khaenri'ah cataclysm five centuries ago. The new creature called "Pari" will light the way for Travelers to explore this oasis.

3.2. New Bosses & Enemies
Genshin Impact will introduce a new species of Hilichurl Rogues, including Anemo and Hydro Hilichurls. These new enemies will make Hilichurl mobs in the wilderness more dangerous. They can mark your characters with Hydro and Anemo auras to trigger deadly reactions.
Besides, there are two dangerous bosses you will encounter in the open world and Spiral Abyss.
- Iniquitous Baptist is an Electro Abyss Order creature.
- Dragon of Verdure is a Dendro dragon based in Sumeru. It used to rule over this nation.
These bosses will have new kits and attack patterns. Therefore, you should learn their gameplay and find the best tips to counter and defeat them in the next update.

3.3. New Quests
You can explore the stories of Nahida and Baizhu in the next update. Act 2 of Sapienta Oromasdis gives you more details about the life of Dendro Archon. Besides, Baizhu's story in Genshin Impact starts in Act 1 of the Lagenaria Chapter.
Moreover, Traveler will hang out with the 4-star character Layla on an interesting trip. Don't forget to unlock new world quests in the new area. You can see the question marks on the minimap when getting closer to quest givers.
3.4. Upcoming Events
Genshin Impact 3.6 is a big update with many interesting events. You also have a chance to earn tons of Primogems in these events. Check them out below.
- A Parade of Providence
You can get a free Faruzan from the biggest event 'A Parade of Providence'. This is a big celebration in Sumeru that is called "Akademiya Extravaganza" hosted by Akademiya. It has two main activities: Wisdom Gala and Interdarshan Championship.
Wisdom Gala features Akademiya members, including Cyno, Kaveh, Tignari, Faruzan, Layla, and an unknown character. Each character offers Travelers a mini-game, such as puzzles, combat challenges, etc. In the other part of the celebration, Darshan select a representative from Akademiya to compete in a contest.

- Brewing Developments
It's a combat challenge with different stages and enemies. You have to build your team to clear chambers and collect points. The game also lets you use some trial characters.
- The Recollector's Path
This is another combat challenge but in the open world. In specific, Travelers and Sorush have to complete trials of her Training path.
- Fulminating Sandstorm
This minigame has many activities. Travelers will fight off enemies to defend the Charging Device in Sumeru's desert. Then, start the Wenutslayer Cannon to fire Wenut until it's defeated.
- Overflowing Mastery
Overflowing Mastery is a rerun event in Genshin Impact 3.6. You can receive double drops from Talent Level-Up Materials Domains all around Teyvat.

The detailed gameplay and rewards of these upcoming events will be clarified when they are officially released. Just save Primogems for Genshin Impact 3.6 banners and get ready to obtain your favorite characters.
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