Genshin Impact version 4.5 second half is here, bringing back Kazuha and Neuvillette's banners. Both Neuvillette and Kazuha have their own advantages and disadvantages, leaving players with a tough decision on which one to go for. In this article, we will share with you Neuvillette and Kazuha’s pros and cons so that you can make the right choice.
Both Neuvillette and Kazuha have their own advantages and disadvantages, leaving players with a tough decision on which one to go for.
Neuvillette in Genshin Impact is a catalyst user and doesn't need the vision to use Hydro power. He's a key character in the Fontaine Archon Quests, serving as the Chief Justice of the Fontanian Court whose true strength is only revealed at the end of the questline. Players who desire a strong Hydro character for their team will feel Neuvillette fits the bill well. He has powerful attacks and can sustain himself, making him a great choice for any team that needs a DPS Hydro character.
Neuvillette in Genshin Impact is a catalyst user and doesn't need the vision to use Hydro power.
Here are Neuvillette's advantages and disadvantages:
A strong carry unit
Capable of handling various targets, including both bosses and groups of enemies.
Independent survival
Doesn't rely on healers or teammates for survival, as his charged attack can restore health despite having a health-stealing ability in his kit.
Capable of soloing Spiral Abyss floors
Free to play friendly
For those unable to spend on his signature weapon, Prototype Amber, a craftable 4-star weapon, is his best alternative.
Works equally effectively with either a 2-piece ATK% set (Gladiator, Vermillion, Shimenawa) or a 2-piece hydro bonus set (Nymph's Dream, Heart of Depth).
Constellations optional
Performs nicely even at C0
Only opt for Constellations if wanting to boost his power (C2 is a good place to stop if not looking to C6).
Unlimited ascension materials
Fontaine isn't locked behind the story, so new players can go there as soon as they get Neuvillette.
Requires C1 unless paired with a Shielder
At C1, his interruption resistance is boosted for his charged attack. Without C1, he's more likely to get disrupted when using hydro cannon, so having a shielder is important at C0.
At C0, he performs best when teamed up with other rare 5-Stars like Zhongli, Kazuha, Baizhu, and Furina.
On-field DPS requirement limits his usage as he’s an on-field DPS.
Reduces combat difficulty
With his strong attacks, he can deal high damage, quickly defeating enemies and making combat a piece of cake.
Kaedehara Kazuha from the islands of Inazuma is an Anemo sword user. If you are looking for a versatile Anemo character who can fit into any team, he is definitely a great choice with his kit both supporting the team and dealing damage effectively.
Kaedehara Kazuha from the islands of Inazuma is an Anemo sword user.
Let’s take a look at Kazuha's pros and cons table:
Incredible Hybrid (Support/DPS) for players seeking a character who can deal damage while also assisting or enhancing teammates.
Great DPS Option (Ideal for those who wish to use him primarily as a damage dealer)
Free to play friendly
If you cannot obtain his signature sword, Freedom Sworn, below are several other weapon choices to consider:
For a Support build: Iron Sting
For a Hybrid/DPS build: Kagotsurube Isshin
His skill is excellent for crowd control, making it useful for timed combat situations like Spiral Abyss.
Artifacts determined by playstyle
Depends on Elemental Mastery for powerful swirl damage
4-piece Viridescent Venerer is the best artifact set.
Also works effectively with a 2-piece ATK% set (Shimenawa, Gladiator, Vermillion) and a 2-piece Anemo bonus set (Desert Pavilion, Viridescent) for a Hybrid/DPS build.
Simplifies exploration
His skill can be activated while jumping off cliffs, or mid-air while gliding, providing an additional height boost.
Cons are needed if you want to use him more than a Support.
Most players think he's only good as a DPS at C6; otherwise, it's better to use him as a support. For a Hybrid build, C2 adds a bit more DPS potential.
Story-locked ascension materials
Pulling for him might not be a good idea if you are focusing on the Liyue or Mondstadt archon quests, as he requires materials (Boss & Local Specialty) from Inazuma. Since players can only access Inazuma by completing the story quests, Kazuha will be stuck at level 40 without access to his materials.
Getting EM mainstat on artifacts can be tough.
EM comes with the lowest drop rate among main stats for artifacts, so it may take some time to get the right pieces for Kazuha.