After the ban of PUBG Mobile in India, other Battle Royale titles saw a massive increase in terms of player counts. Garena Free Fire and Call of Duty: Mobile are the most benefited games that enjoy an influx from the lion's share left behind. However, they belong to two frontrunners. While Free Fire introduces the character system and basic building into the battle royale genre, CODM is more like an adaptation of the classic franchise on the handheld platform.

PUBG mobile
Do you know how much data BR games consume per hour?

The Call of Duty franchise is not a strange name in the world of shooting games. It's a classic, developed by Activision. Call of Duty: Mobile is the series' take on the blooming realm of mobile gaming. Today, we will be looking at a different aspect of these three prominent mobile titles, not the gameplay. Today, let’s see how much data each of them uses per one hour of gaming.

Mobile Data Consumption of PUBG Mobile, Garena Free Fire, and Call of Duty: Mobile

First of all, you can see that data consumption is low across the board. Some may argue there are different variables that can increase or decrease the consumption rate while playing. Yes, that is correct, but not the case here.  It's true that different elements may affect how much data gaming will consume. For example, playing on the best graphics settings definitely takes a toll on the amount of data consumed per hour of play.

Check out more details below!

However, these three games solve that problem by generating all graphics and textures, no matter how good they are, on the hardware of the device. Only simple information is transmitted exchanged via the game server: basically, just the position and actions. 

Here's how much data each game consumes per hour (main data file and updates excluded)

  • PUBG Mobile: approximately 28.06 MB 
  • Call of Duty: Mobile: approximately 35 MB
  • Garena Free Fire: approximately 30.6 MB
  • Bonus: Fortnite Mobile consumes a whopping 50.3 MB
Garena Free Fire Battlegrounds
Free Fire sits right in the middle

As per the results, PUBG Mobile consumes the least amount of data among the games. Free Fire takes second place at 30.6 MB which translates to approximately three matches in 1 hour. Call of Duty takes up 5 MB more on an average due to its demanding graphics.

Tips For Using Lower Data For Online Mobile Gaming

If your data consumption has a limit, check out these tips to manage your consumption:

Pubg Mobile 1024
Here's how to control your data consumption
  • Updates with Wi-Fi only; you can manually disable updates via mobile data
  • Download the game files on Wi-Fi only
  • Create a consumption limit for each app
  • Avoid watching videos using the mobile data