PUBG Mobile is giving away a free premium crate coupon in the Chicken Treasure Event. Recently, the game publisher is introducing a lot of time-limited events to bring players more experience and free gifts. Check out this trick to get a free premium crate coupon to earn a chance to get premium items.

About Chicken Treasure Event

PUBG Mobile Chicken Treasure event is a time-limited event lasting from June 6th to 26th, 2020. Like the previous Extreme Treasure Event, this special event also brings players two spins. You can pay UCs and play two spins to get a lot of attractive rewards. The two most favorite items from these two spins, also the title of spins, are Mother Clucker Set and Cherry Blossom Dacia.

Chicken Clucker
Chicken Clucker Set Spin

Mother Clucker Set is a cool and eye-catching bundle. PUBG Mobile even made a teaser video to introduce this themed set. To play Mother Clucker Spin, you need to pay 60 UCs for the first spin. The developers also guarantee that you can get all rewards if you pay 600 UCs to play 10 times.

Cherry Blossom Dacia is another hot spin which gives you a full set of cherry blossom items. There are Dacia skin, cute pink Piglet set, Cherry Blossom parachute, SCAR-L skin, Sickle skin, Rose Backpack, etc. The first spin costs you 50 UCs. Most of these skins are in the cherry blossom theme. Besides, the costs of spins will increase with each play. But you can use the Treasure Vouchers for this event to get a discount.

Cherry Blossom Dacia Spin

Get PUBG Mobile Premium Crate Coupon For Free

Moreover, the Chicken Treasure event also gives you a free premium coupon. To receive this free gift, you go to the event center and open the Chicken Treasure event. On the bottom right corner of the screen, there is a yellow chicken, tap on it. On the Pop-up window, tap on the chicken in the center of the screen to get the free crate coupon.

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