Originally announced back in January, Death Hall is an ongoing project from solo developer Tom Janson, who is also the one responsible for the outstanding cave flyer acid trip Wave Wave. Death Hall is an action platformer title for mobile in which your task is to navigate your way through a series of hazardous environments while at the same time trying your best to outrun a giant red blob of death with deadly sharp teeth that is out there to get you.

Death Hall
Some early screenshots of the game

Alongside the initial announcement, Tom Janson also released a few early screenshots for the game. They all looked pretty cool, but they were not enough for us to get an idea of what Death Hall was like. Thus, about a month ago, the developer published a teaser trailer that revealed a few more details about the gameplay, but it was still a little bit lackluster. Check it out below to see what we’re talking about:

Now, with the development process nearing completion, we finally have a full official launch trailer for Death Hall, which showcased many of the mechanics and the various enemy types as well as environments that you will encounter. Watch it here:

This latest trailer uncovers a bit of the lore behind Death Hall as to why you’re going through all of this, and the environments and enemies all look pretty exciting. The developer has also hinted that the game will be coming at some point in May, which means we could be seeing it in as early as 10 days. Tom Janson has also said that he will be releasing more details as we get closer to the release, so you can follow him on Twitter to get updated as soon as possible. Otherwise, we will be reporting more about this game, so stay tuned!