While the majority of Genshin Impact daily commissions requires players to eliminate some Hilichurls or Mages, the Poetry Exchange quest will task you with something more pacifist. In this quest, you must help a little girl named Ella Musk who says she has found a new way to communicate with the Hilichurls in Mondtstadt.
Fans can learn a ton about the Hilichurlian language and even exchange a poem with these guys. This commission even has a secret achievement that players can learn about here.
In this secret Mondstadt achievement, you can learn a lot about the Hilichurlian language and can even exchange a poem with them. Here’s how you can complete the Poetry Exchange Genshin Impact quest.

How to get secret achievement Poetry Exchange Genshin Impact
To receive this commission, the player has to complete the Language Exchange first. The Poetry Exchange will assign you to speak to Ella Musk and hear her new plan to communicate with the Hilichurls.
Afterward, you will get some draft lines of Hilichurlian Poetry which give you the chance to talk to the nearby Hilichurls. Follow these steps to complete the commission:
1. Speak to Ella Musk
Ella is a researcher often seen in Mondtstadt commissions. She usually briefs you on new Hilichurl-involving missions which take quite a short time to finish.
In the Poetry Exchange Genshin Impact achievement, you shall get some Draft Lines of Hilichurlian Poetry. They will show both negative and positive statements and what you need to do is choosing the positive ones.

2. Go to the Hilichurl
Three Hilichurls will be seen sitting close to a hut in Starfell Valley, near where Ella Musk stands. You can approach them without caution because they usually won’t attack.
Once you get close, you may accept the prompt to start exchanging poetry. As this is the last stage before the real test, you have to make sure you are good at Hilichurlian.

3. Recite Poetry to the Hilichurl
This is the most essential part of the commission. Supposed that you successfully complete it, you will be able to get the "Yo dala?" achievement. Genshin Impact players have to enter the correct answers in order not to make the Hilichurls angry.
And the Poetry Exchange right answers are:
- Celi dada, Mimi nunu
- Ye dada!
- Muhe ye
Players can choose the sentences in aby order. Other options besides the above will lead to the anger of the Hilichurls and you will have to fight them. Although you can still collect the rewards afterward, you cannot gain the achievement in this case.

The achievement is one of the factors that get you the highly valued name card that lots of fans have tried to gain ever since the release of the game. Therefore, make sure you can do the Poetry Exchange right. Although Genshin Impact’s commissions are diverse, this one is especially unique.
You can also refer to Genshin Impact daily check-in for more rewards without the need to complete challenging quests.
Tips to complete Poetry Exchange
Besides earning simple Primogems, it is still better to get extra rewards which means managing to get the achievement. That is why you should make sure to know the best ways to finish the quest fast and flawlessly. You may want to take into consideration these tips in order to give out Ella Musk poetry exchange answers correctly and swiftly:
- The best way to approach the Hilichurl and give Poetry Exchange correct answers without waking the other hilichurls is to use Walking mode and come closer slowly.
- Once the dialogue ends, Ella Musk will be in vicinity to speak for the last part, that's why you don't have to move.
- It is still possible to complete the Poetry Exchange Genshin commission by luring the masked opponents away from Ella, losing aggro, and then returning to talk to Ella Musk before they come back. (You may also defeat some of the hilichurls first.)
- On another hand, you can defeat the sleeping opponents in the camp before triggering the commission. Just make sure you don't touch the awake one. But they may respawn as Ella asks the Traveler to approach the awake hilichurl and defeating them will not grant any reward.

We hope that the above article can help you gain more resources that you like in the game. Make sure you catch up with Gurugamer.com for more news and helpful gaming tips!
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