Released a little bit over a year ago, PUBG Mobile has been consistently getting better with regular updates. Season 6 is currently live inside the game, bringing a couple of new subscriptions: Prime and Prime Plus.

These subscriptions grant players Unknown Cash (UC) daily, discounts on various items, as well as allowing them to buy items using Battle Points (BP). There is a discrepancy in term of the price between Android and iOS, however. For Android, the Prime subscription is Rs. 85 per month, whereas the Prime Plus costs Rs. 400 for the first month, and Rs. 850 every month after that. On iOS, on the other hand, it's Rs. 79 monthly for Prime, while Prime Plus is Rs 419 for the first month and Rs. 799 per month from the second month onward.

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The price for the subscriptions in the iOS version of PUBG Mobile

The price difference is rather strange considering that it doesn’t exist for PUBG Mobile players in the US. There, the monthly subscription fee is $0.99 for Prime and $4.99 (first month)/$9.99 (from the second month) for Prime Plus. In any case, here are specific details about what you can get when you subscribe:

PUBG Mobile Prime

  • Ability to use BP to buy items (1 week/ 30 days)

  • 5 UC daily for 30 days (150 UC total)

PUBG Mobile Prime Plus 

  • 20 UC daily for 30 days (600 UC total)

  • Ability to use BP to buy items (1 week/ 30 days/ permanent)

  • 10 bonus RP points per day

  • Daily discounts on various items

  • 50% off for the First Classic Crate lottery of the day every day.

The Android Prime Plus subscription is cheaper than iOS in the first month, but more expensive from the second month.

Meanwhile, future updates for PUBG Mobile are already in progress. The upcoming one promises to bring a new zombie mode titled Darkest Night, as well as companions that you can take into battle with you to earn cosmetic items. There are also some new weapons and enemies coming as well, so keep yourself updated.