Villa is often a hot-drop location on the map Vikendi because this central town is usually located inside the playing zone. Moreover, it has a lot of good loot. Here are tips and game tactics to clear Villa and get Chicken Dinner on this PUBG Mobile snow map.

How To Clear PUBG Mobile Villa

Villa often has a lot of good loots spawning in the big center compound and surrounding houses and crates. You can loot many powerful and rare weapons and supplies there, such as M24, medkits, 6x scope, etc. This place has enough supplies for a full squad if you don't encounter any other team here.

Try To Drop On The Roof Of The Villa

If you spot some enemies landing in the central house, swing the parachute to land outside the wall of Villa. There are some wood crates by the surrounding walls of the villa. You can find some SMGs, such as MP5K and UMP with bullets on those crates. You can also use the wall and crates as a cover to attack enemies in the central house.

This Drop Location Is Very Rich

If you land first, occupy the central house to loot better weapons, armor, and more supplies before combat. There are two broken trucks in the front yard of Villa where you can lie on an ambush. But you need to stay quiet or the opponent can finish you with a frag grenade if he hears your footstep sound.

Make Use Of Walls To Cover

Another place to camp and shoot is the rooftop of two cottage houses on the left and right of the front yard. You need to park a Zima under the roof by the front door to climb to the rooftop. It's easy to find a Zima car or snowmobile outside this villa. Therefore, you can easily get to other locations quickly.

Use ARs or SMGs to deal with close combat in this small compound.

It's highly recommended that you should drive a Zima to traverse this map safely and quickly. It's the strongest vehicle on this snow map of PUBG Mobile. Moreover, loot some gas cans in the villa to refill your vehicle if needed.