PUBG Mobile TMD Warehouse map is full of close-quarter combat between two teams. But little did you know that you can climb out of the warehouse wall to and shoot the enemies from outside the warehouse map. Here’s the secret tip to get outside the Warehouse map.
Secret Tricks To Get Outside The TMD Warehouse Map
As we all know, the Warehouse map in PUBG Mobile is a small map for close-quarter combat. It’s surrounded by a close wall. You cannot get out of this map if you don’t know this secret trick. There is a special place on this map where there is a low platform where players can climb on.

Go to this spot with your teammates and climb on the platform. Then, ask your teammate to stand behind you. Then, try to jump while your teammate is trying to climb on that platform. Then, you can climb over the wall and get outside the TDM Warehouse in PUBG Mobile.

You had better do it in the TDM Warehouse custom room before try it in the real match. It’s because, in a real TDM match, you don’t have enough time to practice it. The match will start right after the time counts down to zero. If you stand in that open place and try this trick, the enemy will kill you before you can climb over the wall.

In the real match, you need to focus on all engagements if you don't want to die soon. When climbing out the Warehouse wall, you will land in an open area. You can still shoot down the enemies from there when spotting them. However, if you get killed and respawned, you will come back to the Warehouse. Moreover, there is no supply for you to loot there. So, you need to bring enough bullets before get out of the Warehouse.