Garena has been releasing stronger and stronger characters into the game recently, with Chrono being the strongest one to date. His "Time Turner" has been ruling the meta in both ranked and casual modes - providing an alternate cover to the usual Gloo Walls. The upcoming character in the next patch, Skyler, is going to nerf Gloo Walls even further with his ability.

In this article, we would go through the skills of Skyler and Chrono to find out which is the stronger character.

1 - About Chrono's Time Turner

Chrono's skill "Time Turner" would create a force field that blocks 600 damage from enemies, with a 9 seconds duration. This is more than enough time for you to either shoot back or pop a medkit to heal yourself without having to worry about enemy fire.

Helping teammates is a big part of Free Fire ranked mode, as the more people you have in your team, the higher the chance you would be able to get the Booyah. If your teammate is down, immediately throw a shield on top of him to cover his revival.

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2 - About Skyler's Riptide Rhythm

Skyler is the first character based on a Vietnamese Celebrity - with the country being where the dev team of Free Fire is from, the fact that a character like this is released is somewhat expected. Apparently, Skyler's ability "Riptide Rhythm" is going to be somewhat similar to K's - with an active component and a passive component.

At the final level, Riptide Rhythm would Damage 5 Gloo Walls within 100m, 40s CD. If you have a Gloo Wall deployed, heal 7HP/second.

The wording of this skill implies that the effect stacks when you have multiple Gloo Walls deployed, but they said that the effect does not stack right afterward. Overall, this skill is fairly decent - it is worth using for the healing effect alone - the active ability of damaging enemies' Gloo Walls is just a nice bonus on top. Just remember to use this skill before deploying your own wall, as it also damages the walls you created.

3 - Skyler Vs Chrono

Overall, Skyler's ability is much easier to use - the active component does not require timing... while the passive component would be activated every time you put up a Gloo Wall. It is also the fastest heal overtime in the game at 7 HP/s, more than both Alok and K. While Chrono's shield is definitely useful in combat, inexperienced players might waste it in unneeded situations.

If the release version of Skyler is the same as the Advance server version, he would be stronger than Chrono based on the heal alone.

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