One of the reasons that make many youngsters fall in love with Free Fire is that the battle royale game of Garena actually offers a wider pool of interesting items and features as compared to PUBG Mobile, including Free Fire pets, character roster, in-game cosmetics, and many more.
At the time of writing, Free Fire has introduced more than ten different types of pets to players. With these pets carried along, they can enhance their performance in the battleground thanks to their special skills. Just like what you might have experienced with playable characters in Free Fire, each pet has a unique ability, separating it from the others in the same league.

Pets can be found in the in-game store, so if you want to own such a friend, it’ll set you back a few bucks. Here’re some of the most played pets in Free Fire that will beef up your overall stats.
1. Ottero
‘Sleeps with its headphones on, a musically talented otter.’

Skill: Players can recover some EP while taking advantage of the Med Kit or Treatment Gun, thus gaining both HP and EP. As calculated, the amount of EP converted is 35% of restored HP at Ottero’s Pet Level 5.
2. Mr. Waggor
‘Once a guinea pig in the lab, Mr. Waggor was brought home as a pet due to his cuteness. That led to his great escape and subsequent wandering life.’

Skill: Mr. Waggor seems very useful for those not having a Gloo Wall. This pet creates a Gloo Wall with a 120-second cooldown and the duration shrinks to 100 seconds when it reaches the max level.
3. Robo
‘Once a helpful house robot, Robo ended up on this island after wandering astray.’

Skills: Not only does Robo integrate the Gloo Wall with a shield for but it also boosts an additional 60 HP, which can be increased to 80 HP when the pet climbs to its peak.
4. Falco
‘When it spreads its wings, and soars, sky, and land merge at the horizon.’

Skills: In terms of movement speed, it comes as no surprise when Falco can easily take the spotlight. This pet gives a buff to players either when they glide upon skydive (15% - 30%) or diving after they open the parachute (25% - 37%) based on its level. The speed gain is applied to the entire team as well.
5. Detective Panda
‘I will protect the world!’

Skills: With the aid of Detective Panda, each kill gained from the battlefield helps the player add 4HP to his health bar. This number increases to 7 HP at skill level 2.
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