Free Fire City Open 2021 (FFCO 2021) is the first tournament of its kind, a playfield for the top teams from different cities all over India. This eSports event is currently in full motion of the Regional Finals. 12 teams from 9 cities/regions will compete for their spots in the National Finals and a share of the massive prize pool of 60,00,000 INR.

Unfortunately, FFCO 2021 hasn't been going very smoothly. The tournament has to disqualified multiple teams for violating the rules. The common issues are cheating and ringing. However, the authorities recently eliminate 2 other teams after a player was found on both teams' roster.
Two Teams Disqualified From Free Fire City Open 2021 For Sharing Player
In more detail, a player by the name of DUKER competed for two teams in FFCO 2021. Free Fire City Open has to disqualify the teams, Stone Crushers, and Flicker Force, under Rule 4.1.2. The rule states that one player cannot compete in a tournament for more than one team or on different accounts.

Also, the ruling transitions the slots of Stone Crushers and Flicker Force to other eligible teams. Two teams directly below them will take part in the Vishakapatnam Regional Finals instead.
>>> Also Read: Free Fire City Open 2021 Banned Team Total Gaming Esports For Breaking The Rules
Free Fire City Open 2021 News Update
There have been reports from two teams in the FFCO 2021, asking to renew the right to compete for their players. Specifically, Dave from the Last Breath squad said that he had lost access to his original account. Therefore, he asked for permission to join the tournament under a new one.

After careful consideration, verification, and investigations, the FFCO officials accepted the proposal. Dave's old account will be suspended and will play under his new account in both the City Open and the Free Fire Pro League Summer 2021.
A similar case went for Sohrab from Greedy Hunters. He also reports losing access to his old account and proposed to play in the tournament with a new one. The officials also approved his request.

Both of the cases are acceptable and legitimate under Rule 2.1.2 in the FFCO 2021's rules and regulations. The Regional Finals of Free Fire City Open will take place later today, June 15th. Follow our website for the latest update.
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