LEGO Fortnite is a big rival of Minecraft with adorable graphics and interesting content. This new survival game also features many specific biomes with tons of resources to farm and mysteries to explore. Let's check out all five LEGO Fortnite biomes and tips to explore these areas.


Lego Fortnite Biomes
Explore every biome in LEGO Fortnite.

#5. Grasslands

Grassland is the most friendly and familiar biome for players in any survival game. This is also the best biome to place your base and develop your village. Here are the reasons:

  • This biome is easy to survive with a low load of hostile enemies;
  • You can recruit villagers to work in your village;
  • There are lots of food and essential resources for eating and basic tools, such as wood, stone, etc.
  • You can find some easy enemies to defeat, such as wolves, spiders, and Stone Rollers to get some crafting materials for weapon recipes.

Therefore, most of the LEGO Fortnite players will start their farms in the grassland. Sometimes, you may encounter Skeletons and Scoundrels around your farm.

Grasslands are the safest biome to build your village.

#4. Shores

The shore is a small biome found near large water bodies in LEGO Fortnite. Many players also choose to build their bases in this biome because of the spectacular oceanic view. However, you have to defend your village from some hostile mobs, such as Sand Rollers and Hermit Crabs during the day and pirate Skeletons and Brutes at night.

The shore is often dangerous at night.

#3. Dry Valley

Dry Valley houses many rare materials for upgrading houses and villages, such as Flexwood. But adventurers need to take Cool-Headed Charms before exploring this area as you can get overheated and die because of the high temperature in this biome. You can also bring Snowberry Shakes to drink during long adventure trips.

During the exploration trip, you can encounter some hostile sand mobs, such as Scorpions, Spiders, Wolves, Rollers, and Brutes. Therefore, you should go in a team to support each other and contribute damage.

When going to Dry Valley, remember to use Cool-Headed Charms and Snowberry Shakes.

#2. Frost lands

In contrast, the temperature in Frostlands can freeze and kill you. But you must go there for rare materials like Snowberries and Frostpine. To survive in this extreme condition, bring campfires and torches. Experienced players also advise us to consume Spicy Peppers collected in the Dry Valley to keep our bodies warm.

Keep you warm when going to Frost Lands.

#1. Caves

Caves are the most dangerous biomes in LEGO Fortnite, but they are also the greatest sources of rarest loot in this game. There are many types of caves, such as Lava Caves in the Dry Valley, Frostlands Caves, and standard caves in the Grasslands. You will always encounter dangerous mobs and bosses inside these caves. Therefore, prepare well before entering any cave.

Caves are dangerous but rich to loot.

These are all five released biomes in LEGO Fortnite now. Always explore dangerous biomes with good preparation to avoid death and loss.

>>> Also Read: LEGO Fortnite Animals: How To Tame, Breed & Make Animal Farms