College life can be tough. You have a lot to handle between getting all of your assignments done and maintaining an active social life. You might even have a part-time job to make some money and get a bit of experience before graduating. So, it’s important to find ways to unwind and de-stress. And one way that you can do that is by playing fun video games that take your mind off of your responsibilities for a while and allow you to interact with others.

Not sure where to start? Here’s a short list of some of the entertaining video games that college students can play during their free time between classes.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt

By now, you are probably familiar with The Witcher show on Netflix, as it has become extremely popular and everyone is talking about it. You might have even watched the show to see what all the hype is about. The show is based on a series of novels written by Andrzej Sapkowski, but did you know that there is also a series of video games that are based on the novels? That’s right: there are a total of three video games based on The Witcher saga, and the latest one is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. With amazing graphics and a super fun storyline, along with loads of side missions, you will never get bored playing this fantasy game. And you might even recognize elements from the games in the Netflix show.

Grand Theft Auto V

There have been several Grand Theft Auto video games, but get the latest one for the most fun. Sure, you can play on your own whenever you wish, but the really neat thing about this game is that you can connect with other players online. Whether you connect with people you already know or you play with strangers is entirely up to you, but the goal is to complete a variety of intriguing missions that can be surprisingly challenging. By working as a team, you can complete mission after mission and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with a job well done. You might even find yourself spending hours playing in the vast virtual world that has you meeting and interacting with a wide range of characters. No wonder Grand Theft Auto V is considered one of the best video games for college students.


Another fantastic game for college students is Fortnite. In fact, it is so popular amongst young adults that the game has hosted what’s known as the Fortnite Collegiate Cup. Enter the game to play on your own or with other players you know. You can also choose from multiple game modes. For example, a lot of people enjoy the Battle Royale mode, where you and up to 99 other players (that’s right, up to 100 players total) fight against one another for survival. The graphics are colorful and engaging, and there is a huge map to explore. If you have made some friends at school, definitely see if they like playing this game or if they’re interested in giving it a try, as you can spend your downtime playing together and against other players.

Find Ways to Have Fun in College!

You thought a lot about which college to attend, maybe even selecting from the safest ones and those that are located close to your home. Now that you’re a student who works hard, give yourself a break every once in a while to have loads of fun playing video games that take you into fantastical worlds with engaging storylines. Perhaps one of the games above is the perfect match for your preferences.