In E3 this year, we get to see numerous new games showed up at the event as usual. So, it's normal that people expected one of the biggest titles from famous publishers to sit in the first place of the list. Well, reality might really surprise you.

E3 American Truck Simulator
E3 – the biggest gaming event of the year.

An incredible E3

Despite the fact that Sony skipped this year’s conference, this year's E3 is still among the best ones. Many promising games such as Halo Infinite, Rainbow Six Quarantine or Watchdog Legion were announced. Moreover, who could ever forget the moment when Keanu Reeves surprised the audiences with the introduction of Cyberpunk 2077?

E3 American Truck Simulator
Keanu Reeves on Xbox’s E3 stage

However, none of those games were the king of Steam top selling chart. Apparently, it was American Truck Simulator to take the top spot of the chart.

American Truck Simulator as the best-selling game

Yes, you’ve heard it right! American Truck Simulator, by SCS Software, was another creation of the studio after Euro Truck Simulator 2. In American Truck Simulator, players drive lorries around the US, doing tasks and embark on journeys. With the latest DLC last Tuesday, players now can have more activities to do and more landscapes to explore in the game.

American Truck Simulator - A driving sims all about truck.

New bundle to arrive

To celebrate the release, the developer created a collection named “West Coast Bundle”. This collection includes Washington alongside many forest machinery add-ons, Oregon content and the base game itself. People must have loved this driving sims so much that the bundle stayed on the number one spot in the Steam store.

The developer of the game, Tomáš Duda, tweeted about his feeling about this sudden success "I CAN'T BREATHE WE ARE FIRST, WE ARE SELLING BETTER THAN CYBERPUNK AAAAAAAAAAAAAA,". He also implied in another tweet that developers shouldn't be afraid of announcing their games even if they don't show up at E3.

Cyberpunk took the fourth place

Of course, apart from American Truck Simulator, the big announcements at E3 are still the one to take other top spots of the Steam's chart. For instance, Cyberpunk 2077 is on the fourth place while The Witcher 3 and Borderlands are on the second and third place.