M416 is one of the best Assault Rifles (AR) in PUBG and PUBG Mobile. It’s a favorite weapon of many PUBG players thanks to its devastating damage and attachment flexibility. Therefore, many players are hunting for this AR after landing on the battleground. Here are the seven best locations to get M416 on PUBG maps. Check out the top locations of PUBG M416!

Best Locations To Get M416 on Erangel


Pochinki is a crowded residential area in the center of Erangel Island where the plane often flies over. Therefore a lot of players choose to land here, making Pochinki a high-risk place on this map. Though, Pochinki is one of the best places to loot on this island with lots of decent weapons and supplies, including M416. You can also get excellent attachments for this gun like AR suppressor or compensator, scopes, etc.

Pochinki On Erangel Island

The School

The school complex is also located in the center of this map, quite near Pochinki. Like Pochinki, this is another high-risk landing place for beginners. It’s because pro players tend to land here for strong weapons like M416, Mini-14, and even AWM. Moreover, you can find many decent attachments like an 8x scope.

The School Complex

Best Locations To Get M416 on Miramar

Hacienda del Patron

If you want to get an M416 on Miramar, you’d better land on Hacienda del Patron. This villa is located in the central area of the map, next to San Martin. Here, you can have the best loot with high-level armor and helmet level 3. Though, you need to land and loot quickly because your enemies can take the supplies before and kill you. Besides, this Villa is not an ideal place for combats due to limited movement space.

Hacienda del Patron


Pecado is one of the hottest landing places on Miramar due to plenty of good loots here. Do you want to get M416? Pecado is a warehouse of this AR. However, this small town is also filled with players or squads. They also come for the best loots in this desert.

Pecado in Miramar Desert

Best Locations To Get M416 on Sanhok


In Sanhok, the best place to find M416 is Bootcamp, the “capital” of this island. And the most ideal place to get the best loot is the Radio Tower. That’s also the reason why the Radio Tower is a very dangerous location in this high-risk camp. Sometimes, you can get many good snipe riffles like M24 or Kar 98, and good attachments like 6x scopes in Bootcamp.

Bootcamp, one of the best locations to get M416 in Sanhok


Ruins is the next location where you can seek for M416. Moreover, it’s filled with a lot of decent guns and attachments here. Also, Ruins is a crowded area with teams of blood-thirsty players landing for good loots here. Moreover, there are various hidden routes and corners insides the temples where you can get shot suddenly. So, be careful!

Ruins Temple Complex

Best Location To Get M416 on Vikendi


Podvosto is a river near the center of the Vikendi map. Although it’s a small residential area with many tiny houses, Podvosto is also an ideal landing place. You can easily find M416 and many good supplies here. Moreover, Podvosto is surrounded by large crowded areas. After getting the necessary items, you can rush to nearby Castle or Cement Factory.

Vikendi's Podvosto

Those are seven best places to find M416 on four maps in PUBG and also PUBG Mobile. Follow our website to update further game news as well as useful tips and tricks for gamers.