Have you ever wondered about the origin of the mesmerizing patterns drawn on the weapon skins and other cosmetics in CS:GO? Some of them are inspired by the Hindu culture and mythology and these skins are all created by a brilliant artist named Apel. Apparently, his talent has been making many fans’ minds blown away. 

Hindu mythology-based gun skin collection.

The “Hindu Collection” comes packed with bespoke skins for weapons like MAG-7, USP-S, AWP, and MP5-SD. Each of them has been decorated based on one mythological character and followed a unique ancient style that brings a feeling of rustic, antique, and authentic to them. 

MAG-7: Narasimha

Narasimha is a Hindu mythological character who has the upper half of a lion and the lower one of a human. He is chosen to characterize the skin of the short-ranged weapon MAG-7, which is said to own the similar breath of this powerful person, according to the creator.   

MAG-7: Narasimha

USP-S: Ganesha 

For the most common secondary weapon during the CT-sided match of the game, there is nothing more suitable than Ganesha to represent its soul. And the act of choosing this character once again shows how great attempts the creator has made to find the best-fit figure for each weapon. 

In particular, the torso of this mythological character is decorated on the main body of the weapon, but the secret beauty actually lies in the detailed silencer covered by some features deepened in the breath of the ethnic Indian region. 

USP-S: Ganesha

AWP: Shiva

Like its representative character Shiva - also known for the name of The Destroyer - AWP is the strongest bolt action rifle in CS-GO. Its skin has been discussed openly on Reddit so far and has attracted a huge quantity of people’s interest.  

AWP: Shiva

MP5-SD: Agni

This is the most-required design in the collection of Apel which has been awarded lots of prizes since its release. Its design, which is also the reason for the weapon’s attractiveness, brings on a devilish theme with the red color of ‘Agni’ which means ‘Fire’ in English.

MP5-SD: Agni

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