Dead Cells is a roguelike-metroidvania game released in August last year for PC and consoles that was highly praised for its engaging gameplay and classic art style. The game is widely regarded as one of the best games of 2018 and currently has over 22,000 reviews on Steam, 94% of which are positive.

Classic roguelike gameplay

Since its initial launch, Dead Cells has been receiving constant updates, bringing in several new features such as custom runs. Based on feedback from players, developer Motion Twin has even overhauled major systems to improve its game. Now, the studio has announced that Dead Cells is getting its first large-scale expansion titled Rise of the Giants. This expansion is coming on PC on March 28 and all players who own the game will be able to get it for free. No release date for consoles has been announced yet, however.

One of the major additions that Rise of the Giants promises is a brand new area to explore. Named the Cavern, this area is going to include new enemies, traps, lava pools, and a new boss. You must complete the game at least once to gain access to it, though.

The game is highly praised for its combat

Another notable new feature is a skinning system with fifty outfits, meaning you’ll have more loot to get from blueprints upon slaying enemies and bosses. The expansion also adds 3 new skills, among which are a scroll that reveals a current map and a flying pet, as well as 10 more weapons. These include the Boi Axe, the Giant Killer, the Thunder Shield, and more.

On top of all that, The Prisoner's Quarters will now have a new Specialist Shop that offers Hunter's Grenades for sale alongside skins and a new map. Last but not least, there will be a secret level with a secret boss. If you manage to find it and defeat the boss, you can unlock a different ending.

For more information about the upcoming update, check out the patch notes from Motion Twin.