Diablo 4 was announced quite a while ago, back at BlizzCon 2019. It is something that all fans of the ARPG genres have been waiting for. However, similar to all their other games, Blizzard has been taking a lot of time working on Diablo 4.

In this article, Gurugamer is going to showcase everything available about Diablo 4 so far, including the expected release date, classes, and gameplay.

1. Diablo 4 Release Date (Official)

Initially, the game was expected to come out in late 2022. However, it has been delayed to 2023 instead. Outside of this reveal, no specific date is available.

Diablo 4 Min

Diablo 4 will launch on pretty much all platforms: from PC, current-gen consoles (PS5, Xbox Series X) to last-generation consoles (PS4 & Xbox One). The game will also have crossplay and cross-progression across all platforms. Players will need a Battle.Net account for that, of course.

According to the GM of the Diablo franchise, public beta testing will come out in 2023.

Diablo 4 gameplay showcase