We can say that E3 has arrived. We have seen the information of many AAA titles released like Cyberpunk 2077 with Keane Reeve announcing the exact release date for this title. But the developer of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has not forgotten its fans. Infinity Ward studio still showed up at E3 convention to bring more information of the new reboot title to the fans.

The representative of Infinity Ward has brought more details about the battleground for players, the viewpoint of the players in the fight. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will offer players with a plot that features approaches from 2 sides. And these two sides are really new: the Rebel Freedom Fighters fighters and Tier-1 Special Operation forces. Both of these sides will feature realistic equipment as well as combat tactics

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare still has more to offer their fans in E3

With that statement, Jacob Minkoff also implied that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gameplay experience will concentrate on a more “consistent universe for the entirety of the game,” which means the “rules are all the same” across every mode.

Story from both sides, and those sides are brand new in this reboot title

Moreover, Infinity Ward has also confirmed some information about the game modes of this title. Besides the Single-Player and Multiplayer modes as usual, there will be a Spec Ops mode for the game.

Without the zombies mode, this title looks to bring an extremely real “war” experience for the players.

No zombies at all, just realistic combat experience for the players