From White Wolf Publishing we have the famous tabletop RPG title of Werewolf: The Apocalypse which is kind of connected to the universe of World of Darkness. It is a world where demons fight against bigger evils. Because of that tabletop origin, I was quite surprised that the Earthblood ( a video game adaptation of W: TA) is less of an RPG game but rather a more action combat game.

But that is not really a bad thing.

Cahal, The Werewolf

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He is a werewolf who has lost his family and are in the struggle with himself

In this game, we follow Cahal's story. He is a werewolf who has lost his family and are in the battle with himself. He tries to protect the Earth ( our authorities would call him "eco-terrorist") in a long-war with the evil ancient force who wants to bring the apocalypse to Earth.

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But the thing is that it has been using its power of corruption to infect many unwitting humans.

The evil force comes with the name - The Wyrm, is not your standard big bad boss, but more like an ever existing force that needs to be managed. But the thing is that it has been using its power of corruption to infect many unwitting humans and some willing ones such as oil companies owners, arms manufacturers, logging operations... all the evil corporations. It can corrupt even your character - the werewolf. And here is the most intriguing concept in Earthblood.


Gather lots of "Rage" will give you the ability to make special moves.

The primary power source of this corrupting influence is negativity - violence, jealousy, arrogance, and greed. When your character transforms into werewolf form for combat - a design which is both terrifying and empowering - Canal has also to suppress his nature of a beast. Every hit on= your opponent, every brutal finish move or kill that you made will all increase the "Rage" meter of Cahal. Gather lots of "Rage" will give you the ability to make special moves like extra damage or area attacks. But if it ever gets full, then the corruption win and game over.

They plan to release this game sometime next year.