In just a few days, Minecraft will be 15 years old! It's making me realize how quickly time flies. But besides that, it looks like there are tons of exciting celebrations planned in the next fortnight.

Minecraft 15th Anniversary
Happy 15th birthday, the Sandbox Game!!!

The news was shared in a quick video on Minecraft's official YouTube channel. It gives a sneak peek of what's next. You'll see dancing skeletons, mad pillagers, and Jens Bergensten riding a boat...

The video narrator mentions there will be unique items for 15 consecutive days, all celebrating Minecraft's 15-year history. Each day will offer something to download or play. The festivities kick off on May 17, Minecraft's birthday. Stay tuned for official announcements from Mojang for further information.

"15 days of exclusive items and daily specials, each one attributed to 15 years of building, exploring, crafting, mining, and adventuring. It's going to be a block-tacular celebration. Every day has something to see, download, or play, so buckle up for 15 days of Minecraft-mania." said the video's narrator. 

It would be great to recognize the amazing worlds crafted by dedicated Minecraft players during the celebrations. Whether it's a remake of Fallout: New Vegas' map or Middle-earth, these intricate creations are some of the best parts of the game. Even though we haven't made anything as impressive, seeing these incredible models is truly awe-inspiring.

Minecraft 15th Anniversary 2
Whether it's a remake of Fallout: New Vegas' map or Middle-earth, these intricate creations are some of the best parts of the game.

Minecraft has a collection of unused mobs that could be brought back for this celebration. Many of these creatures were ideas that didn't win in the yearly mob vote. One of the most well-known is the charming yellow Moobloom, a relative of the cow and Mooshroom, known mostly for its cuteness. Another intriguing one is the barnacle, resembling a creature from a deep-sea thriller, capable of clinging onto boats and pulling players underwater.

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