Minecraft villagers are beneficial for survival in Minecraft if you know the following uses. Let's check out the 5 best uses of in-game villagers in this creative game here. These in-game villagers will perform effectively and greatly help your farm if you know how to utilize them.
Table of Contents
#1. Trading
Minecraft players often find in-game villagers to purchase essential items for survival, such as:
- Armorer at the Blast Furnace;
- Butcher at the Smoker;
- Cartographer at the Cartography Table;
- Cleric at the Brewing Stand;
- Farmer at the Composter;
- Fisherman at the Barrel;
- Fletcher at the Fletching Table;
- Leatherworker at the Cauldron;
- Librarian at the Lectern;
- Mason at the Stonecutter;
- Shepherd at the Loom;
- Toolsmith at the Smithing Table; and
- Weaponsmith at the Grindstone.
Many items for survival are only purchasable from in-game villagers, such as mending enchantment, diamond tools, decent armor, and more.

#2. Storage
Apart from trading, you can use Minecraft Villagers to store excess items, such as seeds and crops after farming when your inventory is full. Therefore, you can go to harvest crops with a villager and let him store these items for you. Then, intercept items when that villager gives them to a second villager to take these items back.

#3. Farming Crop Automatically
Villagers can work on your farm and take care of your crop when there is a composter placed next to your beet, wheat, potato, or carrot farm. That's helpful for busy players who do not have much time to fertilize their farms and take care of crops.
These villagers can help you fertilize the farm, harvest crops, and replant seeds for a new crop. This makes an automatic farm for busy Minecrafters. You can get more villagers when these villagers enter love mode and give birth to new villagers when their inventory is full and they give the excess food to others.

#4.Warning System
Villagers will become panicking when your base is under threat. Therefore, you can use these villagers to give a warning sign to the base when hostile mobs attack your base.
You can also build your base near a village and observe villagers' behavior to detect the appearance of hostile mobs. If you see these villagers calm, it means that your base is safe and there are no hostile mobs around. But when you see them panicking, you should defend your base immediately.

#5. Protecting Base
Apart from warning about threats from surrounding hostile mobs, villagers can also protect your Minecraft bases. You can set the outer perimeter for your base with waves of villagers to spawn iron golems. This helps protect your base from hostile monsters.
These are the five best uses of Minecraft villagers. As they are beneficial for your base, you can summon as many villagers as possible for these works.
>>> Also Read: How To Make A Composter In Minecraft & How To Use It