Octane Apex Legends

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Octane Apex Legends' ability

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Octane Apex Legend Abilities

Tactical ability: Stim

Name: Stim

Cooldown: 2s

Description: Move 30% faster for six seconds. Costs HP to use.

Moving while Stim is active

Octane Apex Legends guide of Stim:

Octane would be able to move 30% faster for 6 seconds. Render Octane less affected by slow while active.

You cannot suicide with this ability so only use it when you absolutely have to. Using that ability without consideration would is the fastest way to get a quick death.

Avoid exploring new areas on low health. Try to use this ability to its fullest potential by flanking enemies from the long path. The speed gained would enable you to get to your target faster.

Stim can be used to move quickly between two routes, giving you the ability to bait the enemy into one route then backstab them running through the other.

Passive ability: Swift Mend

Name:  Swift Mend

Description: Automatically restores HP over time.

Octane Apex Legends guide of  Swift Mend:

Automatically restore your health, giving you one health point every 2 seconds if you are not taking damage. You can calculate the amount of time it takes to heal yourself to full by doubling the number of health points you lost.

Juggle between this and stim using can help you minimize your syringe and medkit usage. Automatically heal is nice but do not count on it too much. Syringes and Medkits are still the best way to regain a lot of health points. Swift Mend does not work while Stim is active

Swift Heal keeps you at top shape

Ultimate ability: LaunchPad

Name: LaunchPad

Charge Time:  90 seconds

Description: Deploy a jump pad that launch anyone through the air.

Octane Apex Legends Ultimate Guide:

Create a jump pad that launches players into the air. It can be demolished by gunfire or grenades

The pad can be launch farther than you might expect and if you jump right at the moment the pad is launched, it would get you higher. However, the pad will not launch you any further, regardless of your boosts.

It is in your best interest to deploy the launchpad outdoor. It can be used to launch Bangalore, Caustic, and Gibraltar's ultimates, and relocate and Caustic, Bangalore, and Lifeline's tactical away. You can even launch other Launchpads, Thermite Grenades, Arc Stars and Frag Grenades.

At some places, you can even put the launchpad right under you. You can still be launched through the air even without any momentum built up. Mirage's decoys can also be launched.

You can deny enemies from entering a door by placing a launchpad before them. It can also be used to escape, launching players to a safer place.

LaunchPad is a fun ability

How to make the most of Octane Apex Legends Abilities

Here are some tips and tricks about winning the game as Octane Apex Legends:

Octane's gameplay requires you to take risks. His ability costing health means that in order to use it effectively, you have to put yourself in harm's way. Playing this way is high risk but high reward, you could either die very early or dominate the enemies. Try to make the most of his Stim as possible.

Constantly moving and learn to A/D spam while doing it. With the speed increase, enemies might not even be able to hit you! Never stay still while under the effect of Stim!

Try to flank the enemies widely when needed. And since the team cannot catch up with you anyway, it is best for you to go solo.

Pair Octane with Pathfinder and Wraith to create an incredibly quick and mobile team. With your abilities combined, enemies would never be able to see it coming.