From now on, if one Overwatch player got caught in the act, the match will end immediately.

Cheating/hacking has always been one of the biggest problems in multiplayer games. The more popular the game is, the worse the situation will be. Overwatch is no exception. And this additional feature seems like a good way to prevent bad players from gaining in-game advantages using third-party tools.
According to Jeff Kaplan, the director of Overwatch, they are going to have some different approach to the game this summer. "Improved detection" is one of them. He looks really confident with the new update and expects it to become "the next evolution in cheat detection" in the famous multiplayer shooter.

Jeff Kaplan also confirmed the update was already live on the Private Test Server (PTR). Whenever the system catches an in-game cheater, it will automatically shut down that match. No one else would be punished by this act but the cheater himself.
"So if you're in a competitive match, you won't lose (Skill Rating) if a cheater's on the other team or a cheater's on your team, and very harsh actions are happening against that cheater, you can be assured."
The director of Overwatch didn't reveal much about those "very harsh actions". However, the idea of not allowing cheaters to finish his match will likely make them afraid of using cheat ever again. Just think about it: what's the point of taking advantage of these tools if your game will not be recorded?

While we don't really know how this new detection works in practice, we can expect it to have positive impacts on the environment of Overwatch. Blizzard will make sure those cheaters will not have much chance to ruin other players' experience.
Besides, this move by Blizzard is quite different from the recent one by Respawn Entertainment, the developer of Apex Legends. They still let detected cheaters participate in matches, but only with those who're also cheaters like them.
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