Usually, much of the time you hear a video game that has a computer controlling the whole world, you'll be the one who stands against it. However, it's not the case for Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory.

In this game, you'll work as a minion for the computer, protecting its reign from those traitors. Here's the gameplay demo of the game back in E3 2019, and you can have a look below:

The story of Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory

Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory takes the settings of a fiction world - Alpha Complex. It's the last idyllic shelter for humankind to enjoy their lives. The complex is under the control of a paranoid and irrational AI called Friend Computer.

Although the AI is non-sense as it seems, people are not having any problems living here. In fact, almost all citizens love their lives full of joy, happiness, and cleanliness. Those things are very luxurious nowadays in our real-life, so no wonder the people don't have any questions about being controlled by an AI.

Paranoia Happiness Is Mandatory Eliminate Everythi
The complex is under the supervision of an AI

However, the AI does pose a lot of rules. To be more specific, it considered a lot of actions as treasons, including doubting the benevolence of it, reaching to top-secret information that goes beyond ones' authorities, and avoiding drinking the daily treat of Bouncy Bubble Beverage. Committing any kinds of those actions will make you end up with severy punishment.

What's forbidden is always attractive. Thus, there are a lot of traitors out there trying to ruin the Computer and the Alpha Complex as well. Now, you'll have to control the team of Troubleshooters to find them and shoot them down. You'll receive the help from the Friend Computer, as it monitors everything happening in this refuge.

Paranoia Happiness Is Mandatory Eliminate Everythi
Control the team of Troubleshooters to eliminate the threats

Fulfilling your mission, the AI will reward you for your heroic effort in defending the Alpha Complex.

About its gameplay

The publisher Bigben Interactive has described Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory as a "darkly humorous CRPG". If you haven't heard about CRPG yet, it's actually the abbreviation for "Classical Role-Playing Game" - a subgenre of RPG. Its special feature is that you're going to control a whole pack of characters, instead of a single one. Furthermore, it also has strategic visuals and pausing mechanics.

Paranoia Happiness Is Mandatory Eliminate Everythi
Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory lies under the CRPG subgenre

With that raw definition, we can see this game is totally a representative for this subgenre. In this game, you'll form and be the leader of the Troubleshooters. You'll work under the command of the Friend Computer, on the search for the traitors. The enemies vary from broken robots, aggressive beverage distributors, and flawed clone.

Paranoia Happiness Is Mandatory Eliminate Everythi
You'll have to look for the traitors in a huge amount of people out there

You'll have to find them through the guidance of the computer, and then shoot them down. Of course, they'll fight back, but don't worry if you die, because your clone will continue your task. In this game, dying is actually progressing.

Paranoia Happiness Is Mandatory Eliminate Everythi
Shoot down the traitors with special skills

Speaking about combat, the combat in this game requires decent tactical prowess, in which you'll have to choose from 16 skills to make your combination. And as a CRPG, you can actively pause your whole fight at any time.

Release date and supported platforms

On its Steam page, Paranoia: Happiness is Mandatory doesn't have any specific release date other than 2020. Nevertheless, we've been informed that the game will come out for PC on October 3.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One also lie in the supported list, but their users will have to wait for a later date.
