Last week, the studio director of PUBG, Brian Corrigan, teased on his Twitter, hinting that a new map is coming to PUBG. However, the way he said it makes people unsure whether a new map is coming to PUBG or not.

Brian Corrigan, the studio director of PUBG, teased about a new map

Nonetheless, a YouTuber has found out about a sketch of a map that was added to PUBG last month. It is called Rapide. Previously, PUBG announced both Miramar and Vikendi in December at the Game Awards so this might be the case this time as well.

Data miner has found out about this map called Rapide which was added to PUBG last month

The image of the map was very simple, indicating that it is still in the very early development stages. So if it actually comes true, we might have to wait until next year to see it. Also, it might get some major changes by the time PUBG officially reveal it.

Rapide refers to the Europian Express train and it could also mean fast. From here, we could speculate that this might be a train map, which is a pretty popular concept in shooter games. There is a chance that this map will be the first Team Death Match of PUBG instead of Team Death Match maps in PUBG Lite and PUBG Mobile.

The Game Awards is just a few days from now

On the bottom right of the map are some rectangle shapes and a green dot which might represent mountains or some really big buildings.

Anyway, there is a high chance that PUBG will tease something at this year Game Awards, probably not this map, but it might be some revamp for Miramar or Vikendi. The Game Awards will be held on December 12, just a few days from now.