GTA 5 came as the greatest edition in the GTA franchise thanks to its narrative storyline as well as a bunch of amazing missions. That being said, the game still has several bad missions in tow.
Although some missions lack a story and are considered too pointless, the others seem to be out of this world with endless difficulty. Counting all of such missions is obviously impossible, but here’re some of the worst missions in GTA 5 you will never want to get involved in.
Did somebody say yoga?

Are you kidding me, Rockstar? A mission full of yoga poses in an action-adventure like GTA 5 is nothing but a silly idea, isn’t it? Right, we want to hang around with noisy loadouts and similar things, and this mission actually plays a nonsense role throughout the game.

The Triathlons series in GTA 5 repeats a slew of unnecessary exercises that comprise of running, cycling, swimming – one follows another boringly. If you’re finding a way to keep your fingers flexible, don’t hesitate to take part in these missions and try to tap the buttons as fast as you can do!
Boiler Suits

Heists in GTA 5 are really fun to play, but prep missions turn out to be something that just makes the game last longer rather than being useful. For instance, a mission called Boiler Suits will require you to go shopping and buy boiler suits – yup, we’re telling you an unexpected ‘truth’.
Don’t be too surprised because it’s not the only one in this game. In the next missions, you’re likely to pay a visit to the grocery mall or take a shower to complete the goal, no doubt.
The Merryweather Heist
The Merryweather Heist should have been an exciting mission for any players as this is the first time all the main characters team up with each other to undertake the mission. That said, you’ll get disappointed right after realizing that you’ll be steering the most sluggish submarine ever! However, the most infuriating part of this mission is that the device you stole then has to be put back.