Owners of the Ultimate Edition of the city-building simulator Cities: Skylines II will have to wait until 2024 to receive additional content. Developers have postponed the DLC release due to performance issues and a plethora of bugs.

Colossal Order Studio has published a new roadmap outlining the timelines for releasing additional content for the game. The beach infrastructure asset pack was slated to arrive by year-end. Now, it's expected only in the first quarter of 2024, along with a new radio station.

 The expansion 'Bridges and Ports,' two more radio stations, and paid asset sets from popular modders — Modern Architecture and Urban Promenades — have been pushed to the second quarter.

All this additional content is part of the Expansion Pass, currently not sold separately but already included in the Ultimate Editions of Cities: Skylines II. Developers apologized to players for the delay in providing content.

Currently, Colossal Order is addressing performance issues within the game. They've partially resolved the issue with LOD (Level of Detail). Once these tasks are completed, developers will focus on optimizing processor load. The game is expected to receive patches that will significantly enhance performance, even in cities with large populations.

There are also issues with balance and the functioning of internal systems. The studio recently addressed local mail services. It turns out that the mail sorting centers were distributing correspondence in a chaotic manner. Moreover, mail van drivers were merely collecting packages from citizens but neglecting delivery to the intended recipients.

There's also a known problem with goods distribution within the city. Developers have yet to pinpoint the source of the glitch and are meticulously analyzing all implicated systems.

Cities: Skylines II has been released solely on PC. Console versions and the functioning map editor are expected to debut in 2024."